Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Wednesday, 14 November

We started the day with some novel reading and then moved into art.  Today was our first day with colour.  We started with our normal warm-ups and then discussed the effect of colour on the artist and the audience.  We also discussed the difference between emotion and sensation.  Next we listened to a song (by Boston) and drew "what we felt."  We will take swatches of "colour" from magazines to add to these pieces later.  Next we were given pieces of popcorn to draw.  We added primary colours and then blew through straws to move the colour on the paper.  During this process the students got to experience the creation of secondary colours "by chance."  After recess we took our "monster and chair" pieces from last week and added primary colours and secondary colours.  As students finished their pieces, they moved on to finishing their math assignments from last day.  The 7s are to finish #4-7 on p. 54 and the 6s are to finish #1-4 on page 56.

After lunch some did a bit more reading while others helped with the last bit of tidying up after the painting.  We followed with a check-in on our work from the blog last night. We watched a very brief YouTube video on early writing in Sumer and then read a short piece from the old socials text before writing a brief paragraph.  I put a topic sentence on the whiteboard to help students get started.  We ended the day with a game of soccer outside - what a great way to end the day.  Here's the link to the video:

 Thanks for your cooperative, helpful and settled behaviour today.  I really enjoyed my day.

There are only a few skating forms still to be returned.

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