Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Wednesday, 10 Oct

Today we began with a short block of time to work on our descriptive paragraphs.  We then did our second art class, with Joanna.  Today's lesson included instruction in point of view (using cards with small "windows" cut out of them) and horizon.  The students added these techniques to those they learned last week on perspective and proportion.  It is easy to see the students' growth - I find this amazing in such a short measure of time.  After we did some "normal" five-minute sketches, we did some one-minute sketches where we weren't allowed to look at the paper.  I found it hard not to peak, but was surprised at how the sketches actually resembled the subjects on the table - I was sure they would just look like scribbles.  Wow, this art is fun.  The students were wonderful.  Joanna is sourcing pastels and pencils for the best price possible and I'll give you a price list a.s.a.p. (Please rest assured that she and her helpers are finding some good deals in order to keep the cost to a bare minimum).

After recess we split into two groups: Ms. Taggert worked with a small math group and I worked with the remainder (both 6s and 7s).  We worked on creating expressions using variables to describe the function of an "in-out machine."  I was very pleased with the discussion and interaction that took place in this lesson.  Afterwords, we did a session on XtraMath.

After lunch we studied Mesopotamia in Socials.  I found that most students did a good job at taking notes.  I said that at least one or two statements from each slide would be a good measure.  I will always   post slides for the bigger picture.

We also started our discussions for Crash.  It was easy for us to come up with the single "big idea" words to describe what the novel was about.  Later, these may come to be seen as "themes" in the future.  This is a good way for students to see similarities between works (for example, between the novel Crash and the film Flowers for Algernon).

We ended the day with a short desk-clean-out session and then P.E. where we played foxes and chickens.

I was pleased with the day again: I felt like we achieved lots of good work.  Keep up the good effort.

Reading for the novel is now over-due.  Please try to catch up.

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