Thursday, October 18, 2012

Thursday, 18 October

We had a small class today - a few students were excused and a small group were at We Day at Rogers Arena in Vancouver.  We started the day debriefing earthquake and fire drills in preparation for the Great Shakeup.  Next the students had band.

After recess we did math.  We did a group lesson from the grade 6 text and then the 6s moved on to complete the practice questions on pp. 38-39.  Please complete this for homework.  The 7s then worked on their mid-unit review on p. 29.  That is not for homework.  I was going to have a practice test on Monday, but that will be on Tuesday so the We Day students have a chance to catch up and do p. 29.

After lunch we did some socials.  We used this link

to research information about Mesopotamian forms of trade transportation.  I asked students to choose one of the three slides to the right, and research the types shown on it.

If you click on the website image of the raft, for example, it uploads photos of the different types of cargo.  If you click on a cargo photo, it uploads details of the cargo.  I'd like you to include both some details of the transportation vehicle AND the cargo.

Your research can be recorded in point form OR in paragraph form.  The goal is to have notes that will allow you to speak for about 30 seconds on each of the modes of transport you chose.

PLEASE COMPLETE THIS AS HOMEWORK FOR MONDAY (most students who where here today have already completed it).

After socials we had 25 minutes of flex time: students could work on any outstanding work, finish their math or start their art.

We ended the day with p.e.: we did a warm up and then some strength, agility and cardio exercises.  Props to Nicolas who did five proper chin ups! We only had time for two rounds of dodge ball.

Don't forget Friday is a pro-d day.

All art supplies (SEE YESTERDAY'S POST FOR THE LIST)are from Woods Showcase in the Sunnycrest Mall, Gibsons.
The 6-piece pencil pack is from the Dollar Store, same mall.
It would be super great if students could get the supplies themselves, as I have ordered them and they are there waiting... 


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