Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Better late than never: Wednesday, 19 June

Sorry for the late post: we had a staff meeting, then I stayed to complete my Jack Shadbolt-style painting, and then I came home to complete my report cards - uhg.

First: we have drivers for 16 right now, so please check your schedules or we'll have to cancel Monday's planned activity.  Remember, also, that we need the $10 and the consent forms.  Please also try to bring $10 for art supplies is you haven't already done so - the list of those who have is growing - thanks.

Tomorrow is a big day, as are all of the days left in the year.  We will return our instruments in the morning (9:00-9:30) and then have band.  After recess we will have a rehearsal of the leaving ceremony in the gym (the parents will be setting up for the grade 7 banquet/karaoke extravaganza - planned for 5:00-9:00).  In the afternoon we will have a 30-minute meeting with Mr. Brown about sports day, and then we will do our cardio fitness test.

Today was a very artsy day.  We painted before recess and then had the Academy Awards for most of the rest of the day.  Thanks to Kira and Andrea who gave lots of help cleaning paint pots and brushes.  Thanks to others, like Carol, who also helped keep the operation on the rails.  Thanks especially, to Joanna for showing us the way.  Here are some pics of the day:

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