Today we started the day with art - lots of art! We set up the room and got right to completing our action items from last week. We issued all of the materials - our primary colour palettes included white today. While the kids (and I) painted, Joanna hung our art all around the room; we are now awash with colour! It is aways so interesting to see how varied the response will be to the same set of instructions. Thanks 1,000,000, Joanna.
After recess we tidied up art and then moved on to math. The 7s had a mid-unit exam. Once everyone was finished, I went over a few questions on the board. Parents, do you remember being stumped on a question back when you were in school, and then having the teacher show you how to solve it and it seemed "so simple when he does it"? Well, some of our mathematicians experienced that today. I want everyone to work hard but it is important to remember that if you fail to meet your goal, you may opt to re-write any test.
There is no math homework.

After lunch we read our own books for 15 minutes and then transitioned to science. It's funny, yesterday we had a discussion that eventually asked if we should share the microwave in our class with our neighbours. Today, we viewed the first half of a documentary that had many of us asking if we would share our water. In some cases, the response was not the same. Ask your children about the documentary; they had some very interesting perspectives. Here is a link to the movie
Last Call to the Oasis:
We ended the day in the gym where we had our second basketball session. We're working on dibbling and passing. Today we closed the class with a few minutes of scrimmage.
Band tomorrow: please remember your instruments.
Think: Egypt research!
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