I will select the seven-person groups on Monday. You can see from the notes that this project will have a three-week timeline.

After recess we read for 15 minutes and then started math. In Math 7 we did a quiz to prepare for the test on Monday. Ordering mixed fractions (decimals and common fractions) seems to be the most time consuming - practice. There is no homework, but our test will be on Tuesday, so you have one more class to master these concepts.
After lunch we worked with our little buddies on their provinces projects. We then read Scroll IX and X in ...Ostia. I did not ask for chapter summaries this time, but some students did them anyway. We ended the day with a talking circle. I feel it's important to ensure everyone has a voice, and the circles are a good way to manage that. What we say in the circle is confidential to those in the circle, but I can report that the talking stick that Simon made for me as a gift was very well received; it was nice to have a real stick to pass this time around. Because our talk went into our scheduled p.e. block, I committed to making it up at a later date.
Don't forget we have band on Monday.
I'm excited to finally do a big project and that we can show our work however we want!
ReplyDeleteI think that it will be a good change to be put in a group with some of our peers that we may not know as well or that we have never worked with.
DeleteI an excited to start this project because we can choose whatever theory we want to show what we have learned and I would like to use a method that I have never done before! I think its going to be interesting to work with people I don't usually work with and I can't wait to know the groups.
ReplyDeleteI'm very excited about doing this. It sounds really fun and I'm hoping that we do lots of things like this.
ReplyDeleteI feel excited about doing a project on egypt because I have never done one before. I have a lot of great ideas that i will love to share to my group.
ReplyDeleteI am excited to do a big project
ReplyDeletei have many ideas and i am happy to be free to do what i want
DeleteI think that this project will be exciting to do because we get to chose what way we want to show are learning. I don't mind that we don't get to choose the groups because I think we all need to learn on working together. I am excited because this the first big project we have done. I like Emily's idea to use the corners of the room to set up our displays.
ReplyDeleteI feel good about the new project and i'm happy that we can show our work however we want
ReplyDeleteI think this project is a good idea to get the juices flowing in our minds and widen our thinking as well as our vocabulary. It will be a good way to think about our culture compared to their culture and how different it is. I'm looking forward to working with new people and see how it feels as we'll be doing this in high school.
ReplyDeleteI think it’s going to be an interesting project. I like that we get more freedom but I'm wondering if the random groups will work out or not. I like the idea of asking an open-ended questions and I'm excited to start working. I think its good that we are forced to present it in more then one mode and material because it leaves room more for creativity and less "busy work" I think this is an awesome way to wrap up the study of Ancient Egypt and if it goes well I hope we do the same thing when we study Ancient Rome.
ReplyDeleteI'm happy to being doing a project that gives us such freedom. Even if we can't choose our groups, I feel like this will give us a chance to work with people that we normally don't work with. I also feel that it will give us a chance to show our work in unique ways.
ReplyDeleteI am exited for this project and i think it will be fun to do. I have wanted to do a big project since the begging of the school year so i am glad that we are finally doing one. I think that we should be able to pick two people to be in the group with us because i think it will make you fell more comfortable when your talking.
ReplyDeleteI am excited to do a new project on egypt
ReplyDeleteAfter listing to Mr Marshall talk about the project I think it will be really fun especially since we get to chose the way that we present it. I think it will also be cool working with people we haven't had a chance to work with before.
ReplyDeleteAfter listening to Mr marshall talking about this project for the last half hour. I think it would be a fun project to do. I like that we are able to pick how we want to present our topic. personally I think that this project would be better if we were able to pick the people that are in our groups, but just picking one person will be okay.
ReplyDeletei am excited to do this egypt project because we have lots of freedom we can do almost anything we wont to do to present it.
ReplyDeleteI feel good about this project I think its going to be fun. It's a different why of learning I also like that we can pick the part of the project that we want to do and how we want do present it. But i would like to pick all the people in my groups.
ReplyDeleteI think this idea of making some sort of creative project where we get to pick any inquiry and any way to present it is really cool!
ReplyDeleteI think it would be super awesome if we got to build a mini pyramid too after the project.
It would be even cooler if we get to do something like this for ancient Rome.
Personally, I think its been pretty boring jotting down note, after note, after note about ancient Egypt, which I think could be a really interesting subject, (though it hasn’t felt like it so far) and I’m happy we’re finally getting a legitimate chance to show our learning because we only did a small project on Mesapotamia.
ReplyDeleteI'm really excited about doing this because I did something similar to this last year and I had really enjoyed doing that.
ReplyDeleteI'm really looking forward to doing the project on ancient Egypt. I think it’s pretty cool that we get to chose how to show our work. I think it would have been nicer if we got to choose our group but I still think it will be fun.
ReplyDeleteI really like the idea of doing the project almost anyway we want, and I like the amount of time that we get to work on it. I would like to be able to make our own groups if possible, but some people said that they would prefer to work with their friends because it will make them feel more comfortable. My opinion is, in the real world when we have Jobs we will not get to choose who we want to work with, we will just have to work with which colleagues are boss decides on.
ReplyDeletesorry i was so late on my post