Next, we did our art lesson with Joanna. We did two action pieces that incorporated painting and re-scaling a previously done piece. The class went very well and there was a great tone to the lesson. We had to end a bit early for a fire drill. That too went very well. Almost everyone was able to stay silent throughout and that really helped model good conduct for the younger students - thanks!
After recess we tidied up art and then transitioned to math.

Today's was a good lesson. We did a number of examples and dug deep into the concepts of converting fractions to decimals and also simplifying fractions. We'll be ready for our test any day now.
After lunch we read for pleasure and then read two chapters of the ...Ostia novel. We then wrote two chapter summaries, each with a topic sentence and three supporting sentences. Those should be completed at home if you were unable to complete them in class. We ended the day with p.e. Thanks for another good day.
Don't forget tomorrow is band.
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