Do you speak English?
After recess we read for 15 minutes and then transitioned to math. We continued on pp. 102-103. That should be finished for homework.

number of digits in the factors that fall behind decimals and
ENSURE you place the decimal in front of the same number
of digits in the product (the answer).
After lunch we read with our little buddies and then watched two more segments of the BBC documentary on building Khufu's pyramid. Here are the YouTube links to the four we've watched thus far:

BBC doc part 2
BBC doc part 3
BBC doc part 4
Socials Blog Post Comment Homework:
The majority of the class chose to write their blog post response for homework. It isn't due until Tuesday morning, so if you need internet access or a computer, you can do it at school on Monday at recess or lunch. In a brief but well-written paragraph of five or six sentences, identify one key idea from each of the four parts of the documentary that we have viewed so far. AND explain the significance of at least one of those ideas (give a so-what statement). I will post an example comment. Be sure to post with your name - no anonymous posts, please. If you want your post to move up in quality, you may consider mentioning a classmate's comment in your own.
We ended the day with three-corner soccer: a great way to end a great week. Thanks everyone; it was nice to return to school in such a positive way.
Remember: Movie night at the gym on Saturday evening - doors open at 6 p.m.
Also: Monday is hot lunch day - orders are now closed.
Here is a sample comment post - I'll label my sentences for clarity, but you shouldn't.
ReplyDeleteThe Great Pyramid of Khufu stood for thousands of years as the tallest structure built by humans, but its importance to ancient Egyptian culture goes far beyond architecture (TOPIC SENTENCE). Some of what we know of the pyramids is based only on theory, but other "myths" have been broken. The pyramids were built by conscripted farmers who worked in the off-season, not slaves (TWO FACTOIDS). Those workers did unskilled labour such as hauling blocks as well as skilled and semi-skilled work such as shaping the blocks and sharpening the copper chisels (TWO FACTOIDS). Those working "in the name of the king" on the pyramid came from all over the kingdom (FACTOID). Thus, the pyramid was not only a monument to the king, it was also a means of unifying the citizens and this would have helped to make Egypt stronger (SO-WHAT STATEMENT/CLOSER).
I like how Mr. Marshall mentioned that the Great Pyramid at Giza was the tallest structure for so long. In the documentary, it was noted that not until the Eiffel Tower was built in Paris in 1889, was this record broken! (CONNECTING TO ANOTHER STUDENT'S COMMENT)
It is said that pyramids are one of the greatest mysteries throughout the world. Learning about the Great Pyramid of Giza, I found it interesting that none of the workers were considered slaves. It was constructed by the so called "laid off" farm workers in their non productive seasons. Luckily, for those who contributed in shaping the Great Pyramid were given everything they needed or desired, whether it was food, water or materials it was brought to them. You were then put to work for nine days of hard labour and rested for the tenth. The building of king Khufu's Pyramid not only brought the kingdom together but most likely smoothed things over with one anothers differences.
ReplyDeleteThere were many people leaving there homes and family to work on the pyramid, just so they could repay there king, was it really worth it? so many hours of labour? We found out in the documentary that none of the workers were slaves they were farmers, so yeah they must have really loved there king. Those workers did jobs not requiring any serious skills wich was pulling blocks. Semi skilled workers shaped the blocks and sharpened the copper chisels. One of the specialty jobs was scribing, scribes would label the stones. The pyramid was not only a monument to the king, but it also helped unifie the kingdom.
ReplyDeleteI like how Oliver said that each stone weighed two tons because each work group pulled up five or ten blocks up the pyramid each day, i cant remeber if it was five or ten blocks.
Every summer, some of kings men went to most of the villages to bring strong able men to help build the Great pyramid for King Khufu. The people who built the pyramid, were not slaves. Those who built the pyramid were not space creatures but people obses with space. While the pyramid werebeing built many people died. Khufu's tome was the largest building befor the eiffle tower was built. Some of the tomes had smaller stones used for the membrain why is that?
ReplyDeleteThe great pyramid of Giza is said to be one of the greatest mysteries in the world.It stood for thousands of years and yet no one really knows how it was built.None of the people who built the pyramid were slaves. The Egyptians owed everything to there king and building the pyramid was there way of repaying him.They worked nine days and rested on the tenth,it was very labouring work but no one really minded because everybody who worked on the pyramid had everything brought to them food,water,wood. There were also speciality jobs like sharpening the chisels or cutting the stone.Building the pyramid wasn't all glorious people were killed or injured,most would never see there family's again but building the pyramids brought people together,it unified the kingdom.
ReplyDeleteThe great pyramid of Khufu was an awesome feat of architecture but to Khufu and his people it was much more. They believed that the pyramid held immense powers, powers to make a miracle come true. But to make this powerful pyramid they needed workers. They brought men over from smaller villages on boats to work. The workers were provided with food and shelter, in return for their back breaking work including, chiseling, shaping and moving the limestone rocks. At the time when the great pyramids where being built, copper a relatively soft metal, was the hardest metal known, making the chisels weak and requiring frequent sharpening by skilled craftsmen. It took sixteen years to build the great pyramid which is quite remarkable considering the rudimentary tools, machines and materials available.
ReplyDeleteThe pyramid of Giza which, unlike its predecessors, contains 3 burial chambers instead of the traditional 1 made possible by its immense size. Rising over 146.5 meters (418 feet) Khufu's wonder is one of the greatest things that Egypt can aspire to.
ReplyDeleteBut what struck me the most was this: if I asked you what the most important thing the pyramid achieved was what would you say? Tallest building for almost 4729 years? An architectural creation that still fascinates scientists around the globe? Or possibly even evidence of extraterrestrial life forms on earth? Well, the answer to all three is no. According to many Egyptologists the most important thing achieved by this wonder has nothing to do with the pyramid but instead has everything to do with the methods needed; what am I talking about? Time. When Egyptians created time using the stars to help build the pyramid they had no clue how much they would effect the world. Lets put it this way. Imagine putting bread in a toaster then asking your mom “Hey, mom how long should I put the toast in for?” Mom—“about the time it takes to run from Robs’ barbecue & grill to the grocery store.” (you would probably have a lot of burnt toast in your lifetime) And how would you schedule appointments like job interviews...I could go on.
I would also like to add a correction to Oliver's post; when I watched the video it seemed like the narrater said 2.5 tonnes which may not seem like much of a difference but can you lift 500 pounds? So then I looked it up on line. It turns out that some blocks may weigh more like 1 tonne closer to the top and many at the bottom weigh up to 15 tonnes, meanwhile, the numbers can soar up to a colossal 50 to 80 tonnes in Khufu’s burial chamber.
The Great Pyramid of Giza was Khufu's pyramid but why would he need to make it so big?
ReplyDeleteThe Great Pyramid is the last remaining structure that is one of the seven wonders of the world. The starting base of the pyramid is as long as TEN football fields (That's pretty long). But who would want their pyramid so big? Well, Khufu, of course...
I like how Oliver mentioned the 'Each block weighed 2 tons' part. Imagine lifting that, about the weight of a Toyota car. They must of used wheels for SOMETHING.
The great pyramid of Giza was the tallest man-made structure in the world until the Eiffel tower was built in 1889. The Pharaoh Khufu had his men go around to all the villages and select able-bodied men to build this great wonder. It was considered an honor to be chosen to build the pyramids because it was the final resting place of the king (or pharaoh), and it was believed that the people owed the king everything. Some think the pyramids were built by slaves, but they were all built by farmers because the Egyptians had no slaves. The workers laboured 9 days then rested on the tenth. Today, we work half as many days and rest twice as much.
ReplyDeleteThe great pyramid was huge; its base was the size of ten football fields and the capstone towered at 455 feet. Each block weighed about 2 and a half tons and the entire mass of the pyramid was estimated to be about 5.9 million tons. One of the great mysteries yet to be solved is how the builders transported these stones up the pyramid as it got higher and higher. Some say that the pyramids were built by aliens which, of course is not true, but brings me to my next point. The Egyptians were obsessed with outer space. They did everything based on the stars. The pyramid pulled families apart and yet, paradoxically, also brought the nation together.
Pyramid building was an important part of Egyption civialization. The pyramids were tombs built for Egyption kings. The Egyptions said that they owed everything to the king and that building the pyramid was a way to repay him. Athough their were many people working on the pyramid none of them were slaves and building the pyramid brought people together. Their were many jobs for pyramid building but the most skilled job was chisling the rock so that it was flat. They used copper to make chisles but it was so soft that it had to be sharpened regularly. So much time and effort went into building the pyramids its know wonder people travel around the world just to get a look at these wonderful monuments(sp).
ReplyDeleteThe great pyramid of Giza was the tallest man made structure until the Eiffel Tower was built in 1889. If the workers, who were first thought to be slaves but then more recently suggested to be skilled labourers, found out how short a time it took to build the Eiffel Tower, (two years, 2 months and 5 days to be exact), compared to the 20 years it took to build the great pyramid, I dont think they would be too happy. The base of the pyramid was the length of 10 football fields, there were three chambers one of which was under ground. Each block is beleived to weigh 2 tonnes but Nicholas thinks that they weighed 2.5 tonnes (the debate goes on)...
ReplyDeleteThe Great Pyramid of Giza was the largest man made structure until the Eiffel Tower. The king Khufu sent two of his men to every village along the Nile collecting men to work for him. The men sent by Khufu would say "in the name of the king" and the farmers feel they were obliged because after all the king did help them all, right? The men were not slaves because they came willingly. The farmers were loaded on boats for an eleven day trip to the pyramid. Most men didn't know anything about where they were going. when the men were put to work they were supplied with everything they would need wood,food,water,tools,etc.. the men worked nine days then rested the tenth. even though the pyramid was a deathly job it did bring them closer together.
ReplyDeletep.s. Mr. Marshall I will be away tomorrow all day
The great pyramid of Giza was one of the most important events to happen in early Egypt, because the workers required to build it were shipped by river boats from all the provinces of Egypt. Which means that it unified all the provinces into one powerful culture, which lasted almost 3000 years. Also, for over 4000 years humans have considered the Great Pyramid the oldest and only one of the 7 wonders still intact, one of the greatest mysteries on Earth. I think that it is interesting how the Egyptians believed that the pyramid was a shape that symbolized life. It is very amazing that the pyramid was the tallest structure on Earth until 1889 when the Eiffel Tower was built. Each working day for about 16 years 1000 tonnes of stone were quarried, cut, and dragged onto the plateau of the pyramid. The top of the pyramid in progress was a plateau, about the size of 10 football fields. What strikes me the most is that king Khufu was able to bring all these people together and unify them under one common goal, to achieve his dream. If king Khufu were to try to achieve this goal today, I doubt it would work because most people would refuse to work this hard.
I saw the rest of the parts of the movie. I learned that Khufu's body was inside the pyramid, and that was why he built the pyramid, as a structure for his tomb. It took 25000 men to work on the pyramid, which took 10-20 years of construction. I think I remember hearing that the rock they chose to use was limestone. The pyramids like the one from Giza not only became important resting spots for great kings, but were designed according to people's religious beliefs about creation and new life. I think Oliver's comment that the pyramids were the tallest man-made structure before the building of Eiffel Tower tells us just how massive they are. I have never seen them and didn't realize just how immense they really are. I understand more about the amount of work and the time it took by people (mostly slaves) to build these great structures.
ReplyDeleteThe great pyramid of Giza was the tallest manmade structure for centuries. The pyramid was built by men from the rural villages in Egypt. Although men were being taken and forced to work for the king they didn't supposedly mind as they owed everything to the king. The king or pharaoh was like a god to the people of Egypt and was respected highly. If you worked for the king you would be supplied with everything you could ever want, for example food and drink would be perpetuating. The men would work for nine days and on the tenth they would rest. The pyramid was made up of three chambers which was unusual at that time. Each day ten tons of rock was formed into squares and transported from the quarry to the building site. Even though families were separated and the men would usually not return to their villages some say everyone had to work together for one global cause.
ReplyDeleteThe Great Pyramid of Gize is a HUGE part of ancient Egyption civilization and culture.Every day thousands of men worked for hours on end. The men worked 9 days and got the 10th day off. They were told that they owed everything to the king and they could repay him buy building. Nobody who worked on the pyramid had to worry about food, water, shelter or heat for that was all given to them. Designers had come up with a simple theory that way almost imposible to exicute. builders were obsessed with outer space. (which I personally found to be quite interesting)every block was marked with a differently. The Great Pyramid of Giza was and still is one of the great wonders of the world!
ReplyDeleteThe great pyramid of Giza was for the Egyptians more than the tallest building until the Eiffel tower or a stone structure it was part of their culture, way of life even. Workers from every province of Egypt were shipped to Giza, and put to work building; although they were not considered slaves. The men would quarry, cut, and pull 1000 tons of stone each day. Even though the work seemed almost impossible at the end of the day they were given all they could ever want. The pyramid was the shape of life to the Egyptians and that's why i found it interesting the they would use it as a tomb. In the end it took about 16 or more years to complete this intriguing wounder and also unified Egypt for around 3000-4000 years. Today if we were to build a pyramid we would just use machines and finish it in around 10 years more or less, but it wouldn't have the same sense of accomplishment if it wasn't built by hand.
ReplyDeleteBecause the Nile river was located so close to the building site, it was easy to bring in water for the workers. It also made it so that they never had to worry about food. They were told that they owed everything to the king, and all they ever wanted would be given to them if they worked. it was also stated in the video that no slaves were used in the making of the Great Pyramid. The work conditions were said to be very hot and dangerous. As each of the blokes weighed around two tons, and made of limestone, it was very hazardous.
ReplyDelete. the pyramid of giza was the tallest man made structure until the eiffel tower
ReplyDelete. there were no slaves building the great pyramid of giza it was men from different villages being paid in food water beer and firewood
.the workers worked 9 days and rested on the 10
. the video said that the ancient egyptians only had copper but i looked it up on the internet and it said that they have had to have other kinds of metal
. i think that kufu wanted to have a large pyramid because he wanted to be remembered
The great pyramid of Giza was the tallest man made structure until 1889 when the Eiffel Tower was built. The Pharaoh Khufu had some of his men go to the villages and get able bodied men to help build the pyramid. The men were honored because the believed they owed everything to the king (pharaoh). Some people thought the pyramid was built by slaves, but it was built by farmers because the Egyptians didn't have slaves. The farmers worked 9 days and rested on the tenth, today we work 5 days and rest for two (we work half as much and rest for twice as long).
ReplyDeleteThe pyramid was huge; the base was the length of 10 football fields, and the capstone rose to 445 feet tall. The mass of the pyramid was estimated at 5.9 million tons. One of the great mysteries that remains is how the builders got the block up to the pyramid as it got higher and higher. One of the things that building the pyramid did was bring community together, even though it tore families apart.
King Khufu- The Great Pyramid of Giza
ReplyDeleteThe Great Pyramid of Giza is an amazing structure. There are many reasons for this. There were 9 vital 50-ton granite blocks that were used for the roof of the tomb. 200 men were required to move one of these blocks. In the North wall of the King’s chamber, there is a small shaft that pinpoints upwards to the stars, like a telescope. It stands as a testament to what humans can do if they collaborate.