Monday, May 6, 2013

Welcome Back: Tuesday, 7 May

Intro Activity:

This year I hope you've come to value the power of reflective thought.  After every day of teaching, I sit down and write a post to our classroom blog and while it may seem like a mere summary of our lessons or a resource for your work, it is also an important vehicle for my learning: it allows me to reflect on the day, to examine in detail what we've done together and to ask myself how I think we should continue.  From time to time I come across videos that I think have value and in order to give you a chance to go deeper with your thinking than you otherwise might, I ask you to share your thoughts about those videos with one another on the blog. This video was tweeted by George Couros (@gcouros) an educator from Edmonton.  Please add a comment after you've viewed it:


We began the day with the activity found above.  I shared some of my insights and the students shared some of theirs.  If you have the time, please view the video, read the students' comments and feel free to add your own.

What ever happened to good ol' rectangular
After recess we read for ten minutes and then started math.  In an effort to make the area work we've been reviewing a bit more "real," I took some Google Earth images of the Lethbridge, Alberta region and asked to students to create ways they could determine the amount of land under cultivation knowing only the radius and having a protractor.  I also challenged them to try to discover more than one way to solve the questions, and they did.  There is no math homework.
Now that's really a dirty question!

After lunch we read for ten more minutes and then worked on our socials inquiry projects.  Tomorrow I will issue the consent forms for the Jesse Miller presentation at Kinnikinnick on Monday, 13 May.  Please check your schedules to see if you are able to drive.

Yoga has been postponed until next week: Nikki is unavailable.

There will be a short PAC meeting tonight from 6-7 p.m. in the library.


  1. I think that this video was a great and useful project. It really inspired me to think more about what I would look like if I was on camera and would I act different if I knew I was on film. I think that dashboard cameras should be used for stuff like this instead of accidents. In the future I will try to think what I would do if I was on film and try and act that way regardless.

  2. I first thought that it was all set up but after thinking about some scenes that it wasn't. I completely agree that if your in a crowd you are almost definitely not going to help and when your alone you most likely going to.
    If we all had dash cams no one would help anyone because anyone with a computer or way of accessing the internet could see it. The people who helped others in crowds did the exact opposite of what i would; i would have just tried to ignore them and moved on with my day but i still cared and hoped that someone helped them. The video inspired me to try and think about the fact that if I don't then the chances of other people helping are about the same.

  3. My favorite part of the video was when the cat was crossing the road at night and the car with the camera on it slowed down but then also the car on the other side of the road slowed down to. It shows that not only the people with the cameras are helping other people.

    1. I agree that is a very good part!

  4. I think that the video was interesting to see the simple ways that people help others, I am also wondering "why almost everyone in Russia has a dashboard camera?"

  5. I think that the video we watched this morning was good and also quite touching. It showed that a lot of people in our generation really don't care about other people. I think that if everyone were to have a camera viewing everything they did, we would act a lot different. I think I need to try more to help other people. Because most of the time I am more of a bystander and just walk by the people and don't help them. ,=,e

  6. I think the video we watched this morning was very good and very touching. It is good to think that there is still some people out there that will help someone in need. It was also good that it was more than just one person helping other people in the video. Many different people were helping other people in need of help. I also liked that they showed from the point of view of the people being helped. But it was pretty sad that people would just walk or drive by with out helping the person or animal in need.

  7. I think the video was cool and inspiring, but what I want to know is how it relates to us. What I mean is that the video was showing almost all city and highway scenes, and where we live is generally more rural. Though some of us may move to cities later in our life, not many of us will remember the video anyway. However, I liked the video, and think that I will try to think more about helping other people.

  8. I think that it is more important to watch out for animals cause if those cats got ran over I would be really sad.

  9. I think that this video really makes you think. Lets say that you're in the city driving, and there's an old woman trying to cross the road but she can't because of traffic. If you knew you were on film of course you'd go and help her right? But instead of always having to be on film to do these things, why can't we just do it on our own? That's what the people in the video did. They didn't know they were being filmed yet they helped anyway. I think that more people should act like this. Think about what you would do in that situation if you were on camera. I know that if I'm ever in a situation like that, I'll think about if I was on film and would act that way. On film, or not.

    1. ya! i toetely agree that was alsome so sweet swage

  10. I think that this video is a great way to show kindness and caring. It showed that even though people may be on a dashboard camera (I would find it easy to expect being on one, look at how many people in Russia have one) and other people (many of them) are watching, they still help people. The parts of the video that showed the best signs of kindness were the ones with the ducks (or are they squirrels) and the person helping them in complete daylight and the one with the person with the wheelchair or crutches struggling to get up being helped.

    1. I like the way you worded your comment. great job

  11. I thought the video was really interesting. At first I thought it was a fake video of someone with a camera on there dash board stopping and helping people. But after a while I noticed that in many of the videos it was other people coming out of there cars to help other people or animals.
    I liked the music because it made the mood for the video better. Also this video really made me think about how i would act if I new I had a camera on forehead everywhere I go.

    1. i thought it was awesome to!:)

    2. thanks amber(:!! and thank you saleah!!

  12. I think if there were cameras on the dashboard of every car that people would act different. It would suck to fall down and have no one to help you get up. I think that it is good that people are starting to help old people and people with disability’s cross the road and other things. I hope the world will evolve in to a more fair planet.

  13. I think that this is a great video it reflects all the thing happen in real life. Not many people do this now a days it is really rare for old ladies to get help crossing the road or for people to stop and help some one. I will try and do this in the future as regularly as I can.

    1. i agree, it was a GREAT video amber ;]

  14. I think it was very interesting watching that video for a few reasons. One I thought it was pretty cool to see all the good things that people have done. Two I thought it was amazing watching the video and seeing all the people that drove around the person on crutches in the middle of the road or the bird that was stuck in the middle of the road. I also found it interesting to see how the people in the cars just driving around the people acted, not knowing there being filmed, because I think if they knew they where being filmed they probably would have acted differently. I also think that if you were to ask any of those people individually if they think the right thing to do if you see somebody with crutches in the middle of the road that has fallen and cant get up is to help them they would probably all agree with you. I think it was very cool to look at how people reacted to the different scenarios in the video.

    1. That is very good Noah.

    2. that is very good noah. you wrote a lot

  15. I think that if i had a camera on me 24 7 I would act much differently.I grew up on the east side in Vancouver. I never really noticed my surroundings until I was 10 [grade 5]. I started noticing people acting differently because of drugs and I was taught to ignore that and let the adults handle it. This video showed kindness and caring and I wish that when I was younger people did that so it would model for other people.

    1. i think that this is awesome :)

  16. I think that the video was really cool and inspiring. I also think that it was neat how people got out of there cars even though they didn't know they were being filmed. My favorite part of the video was when the guy got out of his car to move the ducks along because people may stop for other people but they may not stop to wait for some ducks to cross a road. People often don't think animals are as important as people but they are.I think that if every one was to have a video camera on there dashboard the world would be a better place.

  17. I think that the people in the video were doing nice acts of kindness and it made me wonder if I would act different if I was always on camera. I think that the people in the video were inspiring and more people should act like they did. Maybe if people were more like the people in that video my cat might still be alive and not have got run over by a car. To conclude I think that if every one did a little act of kindness every day people might get along better.

  18. To start, I'd like to say that that video was very interesting to watch. The music was a good way to get into the mood of the video, and the message the video gave definitely got me thinking!
    We as a society should realize that people need help. Maybe its a little help, just a nice gesture, or maybe it might be life threatening! Point is, people like the people in the video were doing what more people in the world should be doing! H-E-L-P-I-N-G!The video was good, and I felt inspired.

  19. I believe that this video was an eye opener. But then again they were on a camera. I think that I would act differently if I was on film. The video gave me a warm fuzzy feeling because it gives you a sense that there is a balance of good in the world. For instance, if I were to have seen someone who needed help I probably would have pushed it out of my mind but it would have stayed with me. This video will make me think more about standing out in the crowd and if you help someone or something it will come back to some way or another.

  20. I think the music in the short film made the video a lot more powerful. It made me think about what it would be like if every body had a camera on their head, and if any body could watch what you do. I like this video it shows what some people do to help others like a disabled person or somebody with crutches who fell down and can’t get up, the thing I noticed was how many people didn’t do anything about it, how they just watched. This video was very touching, I would like to watch more videos like this in class.

  21. I agree with what Saleah said.

  22. I think that people would pay more attention to helping others if they knew that they were going to be watched, which seems dumb because people are going to notice that you helped and took the time. Even if we are worried about "sticking out" it is worth going to help someone or something. I think if you needed help you wouldn't want people just to keep walking past you, you would want help just like they do. I thought that the video was really good, it made me realize how many people just walk past i wait for someone else to help.

  23. I agree with Saleah. The music did help with the way you looked at the video.

  24. i think this video was really cool. i think it was cool and nice how people stopped when they didn't now they were on film. if I was on film i might do that but not for sure. I don't think I would ever do that if i was not on film. I'm going to try to make a small change and do random acts of kindness when I'm not on film!

  25. I think that there pros an cons to having dashboard cameras. One good thing is that having camera on you at all times would influence the way people act and treat each other on a daily basis in a positive way. But having a dashboard camera may also make people feel uncomfortable or self-conscious. I don't think that is fare because I think people should feel comfortable saying and doing what they want in their own car. I think it would be very interesting to try this project on an adult that everyone in our class knows (cough cough Mr. Marshall) and see if it actually does change anything about how the person acts.

  26. I think that this video was quite eye-opening.
    to me, the most powerful part of this video was not the people helping, but the bystanders. I also think that this video teaches us a lot about modern human nature. like usually in school we try to fit in and be the same, for instance if there is a fight you probably wouldn't intervene, because you wouldn't want to stand out. but I think every human has the capability stand out and to help, you just have to put aside the "somebody else will do it" feelings.

  27. Thank you for your comments. Many of you said that the video made you consider how you act, and that it might make you think about your actions the next time you are in a position to help. Someone once told me that people help other not because it makes the helper feel good, but that it makes him or her feel superior (because he or she is in a position to help). While that sounds unpleasant, there is perhaps some truth there.

  28. Thanks again for the video Mr. Marshall and thanks for all your thoughtful comments. While watching the video I went to my "mushy" place and felt touched by the acts of kindness. I also thought of some people I know that often do nice things for others. Weather a camera is there or not, it feels good (the good feeling is the selfish part of the act) to behave in a considerate and compassionate way. Seeing it as the "right" thing to do is my personal value system. Behaving in the "right" way is putting my beliefs to action. Thanks for letting my ramble :)

    1. Thanks for taking the time to comment, Trina. I think it's important for the students to see that they are not shouting out to an empty world when they post. You've been very good all year, not only about keeping connected, but also about sharing. Please keep it up.
