Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Wednesday, 12 June

Sorry for the late post today.  I stayed late to re-do my painting and then had to do a number of things at home - dad stuff.

We began the day with Joanna'sart class.  It started to rain just as we were ready to go out for our 'Group of Seven" plein air work.  It was no big deal: we just found cover and the show went on.  I continue to be amazed at the creativity of the people in our class.  Carol was a big help as usual and once again took some pictures.  You'll notice in all of them that while the kids are all well on their way to completing their pieces, my canvas is blank and I'm still mixing my paint.  Nevertheless, art continues to be a real inspiration for me.  On my drive home, I found myself looking at the trees on the side of the highway noticing the interplay between light and shadow.  When I teach about fiction I try to get the students to appreciate the depth in some writers' work: to notice, for example, the metaphors and the alliteration.  They ask if knowing all that stuff wrecks the story.  I tell them that the opposite is true.  For me, realizing that I am now looking at nature differently is the same thing.  I guess there's more depth to my vision now.  Thanks, Joanna.  I'll post the photos tomorrow.

After recess we did math.  The Math 7 students worked on the problem set for Lesson 7.3.  Tomorrow they'll carry on with 7.4 and then the mid-unit review.

After lunch we did the French test and then did some computer work.  We ended the day with some running and some upper body strength exercises.  It's great to see the positive attitude and effort everyone is showing in p.e.

The grade 7s were given a consent form today in order that they can attend the orientation days at Chatelech and Elphinstone on Monday.

1 comment:

  1. Hello. Doing my last inquiry post, I think. We're presenting tomorrow, but we got lots of time to work today since the 7's are at the high school. I don't feel like I'm making much progress since I memorized it a week ago.
