We got to do art today and it was a blast. I did not want to come in at recess when the bell rang and I know the students felt the same. Our room is now awash in colour as we've surrounded ourselves with our Matisse-inspired paintings. Thank you, Joanna, for once again hitting it out of the park with a wonderfully inspiring lesson.
We are asking that each student bring in $10 to offset the cost of the four 2' x 2' plywood canvasses that we are using for the remaining classes. I don't like asking folks for money and I hope that this request isn't an issue, but if it is, please let me know. A big thank-you to Carol for her support today (and every art class) in managing the supplies distribution and for taking the photos (because I was too engrossed in my own masterpiece). Here are some of her pics of our resident artists in action:
Joanna doing her thing!
After recess we finished cleaning up and then did math. The 7s started a new unit and learned about
mean and
mode. We used bingo chips to experience these two concepts and then worked to complete the text book practice set on pp. 260-61. Most students completed the work in class.
If you needed an extra few minutes, please try to come to class tomorrow with it completed.
After lunch we heard two inquiry sharings and worked on our passion inquiries. We ended the day with a game of soccer that I totally manipulated by telling the class that I was doing my p.e. marks soon and needed to see them running and sweating today if they wanted to try for the A. I felt a bit guilty, but the game was certainly a high-tempo one. Enjoy the sun and I'll see you all tomorrow.
Thanks so much Joanna for putting in so much time and love into the kids learning! The paintings are amazing. I see Mr Marshall is an artist too! :)