The students have also planned a NEON DAY for Wednesday, June 5th: there will be prizes, so dig out your brightest clothes! (Guests of the Appreciation Tea need not wear neon, but should feel free to do so if they wish).

After recess we read for ten minutes and then the students had math. In Math 7 we did the equations unit test. I'll try to get those marked this evening so you can see the results tomorrow. There is no math homework.
After lunch we worked on our passion inquiry projects. I suggested that a good place to start is by asking these questions: 1) What do I already know? 2) What don't I know? and, 3) What do i wonder? This will help to define where the inquiry should go. In the end, students will be able to say, I discovered... ; 2) I now know... ; and, 3) I now/still wonder.... I'm hoping that the students will discover that in real life one question/inquiry often leads to another. I see this as part of the shift away from old school where the focus may have seemed to be about finding a series of "right answers." There is a balance that needs to be found between facts and finding, and I hope that we can put some of the wonder back into learning for older students.
We ended the day with a game of capture the flag against Division 1. We did much better than last time we met them. I think Thane's pre-game cheers has a lot to do with our success. Have a nice afternoon.
Please remember that tomorrow night is the Elphinstone parent information night for the families of grade 7 students: it starts at 6:30 p.m.
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