Thanks to Ms. Yvonne Mounsey, a SETA in our school, for bringing this video to my attention.
Next, the class left for band. A few students were left to complete their 1:1 test with Mr. Grice. Some students who had already completed their tests returned to class to complete other work.
After recess some students read before math while others finished their comments about the video. In Math 7 the class experimented with comparative fractions using manipulatives. They would have played with those blocks all morning if I would have let them - there is just something about coloured blocks and kids. I'm sure it was the most fun they've had in math all year. In the end, I'm sure some learning occurred and it will serve us well as we look at operations with fraction in the next unit. There is not homework (but all students should have completed the cumulative review for Unit Three).
After lunch we read Scroll XVII (Chapter 17) of the Ostia novel. The readers did well. We moved right into the Egypt inquiry presentations and managed to hear only five presenters (the transitions are taking longer than I had hoped they would). There were many more positive comments to students about their work by their peers today. It was nice to here so much affirmation of the good work that was presented. Afterwords, we moved to the gym to give the students who had yet to complete their shuttle run (beep test) for the fitness assessment a chance to do so.
Tomorrow we'll try to hear the last seven presentations and complete the curl up test in p.e. Push ups will be tough for many, but I still think it's important to have an accurate measure of your fitness, strength and flexibility as we move forward in p.e. Take heart, I did poorly in the old Canada Participaction Fitness Test in the 1970s, and look at me now (no snickering)!
Here are some screenshots of the latest school newsletter.
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School newsletter: p. 1 |
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School newsletter: p. 2 |
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School newsletter: p. 3 |
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School newsletter: p. 4 |
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School newsletter: p. 5 |
I didn't really like that video, because its always making me upset and mad.
ReplyDeletethis movie was depressing to think that in every school there are at least 3 kids who are afraid to go out side at recces and enjoy being a child and to try and kill yourself in grade 10 this was an amazing movie it made me think.
ReplyDeleteThe video really inspired me to think about how I come across in school. I think that from now on I would like to be more including. I also think that calling names isn't right especially since it could be a personal matter. In the future I will make an effort, whenever I can, not to make assumptions about other people or even myself.
ReplyDeletei think that the video was good because they talked about how bulling is still going on today. i think the part about the saying sticks and stones may break my bones but word will never hurt me but words hurt way more than stones because a wound on the outside can heal but on the inside it could never.
ReplyDeleteThis video was about 99.99% the truth about bullying. It's basically all like that, as the circus part says : The trapeze people? The popular kids. Then there is those average kids, which are the cronies, the clowns are the people that we laugh at and then we have the freaks that nobody likes. Then there's the part that I thought about, with the bullet going through someone. I think it's supposed to look like suicide or something, and then nobody really cares. The video was really emotional about bullying.
ReplyDeleteI think that the video was really sad and depressing.It made you think about all the people who get bullied in the world. Also I thought it was really sad how the girl who got called dog face never thought she was beautiful again. But they were wrong.
ReplyDeleteThe video made me feel bad for the people who were being bullied because it is not nice to bully and it is not nice to be bullied. But the message that the filmmaker was giving was a good message to all the people that were bullies.
ReplyDeleteI think that video made you really realize what's going on in your surroundings. It's sad to think that that this kind of thing is happening all around the world 24/7. It really moves you in a way that most things don't. It makes you think about all the bad that you've done to others, and to yourself. Most people beat themselves up when they're not good enough or when they do something wrong. I realized it doesn't really help you in any way. You're just putting yourself down.It makes me regret everything i've said, or thought for that matter. I hope this video moves others the way it moved me to do better things in the world than pick on others.
ReplyDeleteI never really saw bulling that way until i saw this video. It made me wounder if this was happening in my school or in other schools.
ReplyDeleteIt also made me wounder why people bully others is it because they have a bad life at home, popularity, they get bullied, or is it simply because the are mean people.
The video made me feel sympathy for everyone who has or will be bullied.
I was touched by that video because I feel like I can relate. Wether it happens to you personally doesn't matter because everyone has seen it happen to others and it really does stick with you when people judge you, call you names, anything of that nature. I really enjoyed how he told the "story" almost like a song with extreme passion. the part about the circus really made an impact for me because it's so true but i had never thought about it like that. I think that this video should be shown in an assembly or something like that because the message of you are loved, you are beautiful, you are not a freak, you can/will be heard and you are not alone is something I think kids of all ages would benefit from hearing. I would like to hear more poems like this one from him in the future.
ReplyDeleteWhen I watched that video, I felt a strong feeling of sadness. I wondered why you, Mr. Marshall, would want to show us something so depressing. But then I realized! Because people do, in fact, feel this way about themselves, or they do actually drop off the endless tightrope of hurt, so its VERY important that we see this stuff, however depressing it may be. The more people who know that kids and teens out there are living there educational lives in fear of their peers, the better for this world. People may find this hard to believe, but its easier then it looks to make it stop.
ReplyDeleteSorry about all the missing capitals.
DeleteAfter I watched that video, I felt different. I was bullied before in all the schools that I went to and I still carry those word around with me. I felt a connection because when he mentioned the thing about school being a circus and the pecking order, with the top being acrobats and at the bottom being the 'freaks', I've always felt like the freak. I've never been in a clique or a certain group. I was excluded for a while at school because I dressed different, and I was just different. But the thing about the video, it tells all the kids that were bullied and still are that you're not alone. Other people are going through the same thing, and that you're not a freak, that you will be loved, and that you're beautiful (I guess it would be handsome for a guy). It tells the kids that they can get through it even though the words hurt, even if you get beaten up at school or at home. I feel like the video is an inspiration. I feel like that video in a way changed my way of thinking about other people, and me.
ReplyDeleteI think that this video was really sad because of all the kids who had a hard childhood. I also think that its sad because of all the kids who were getting pushed around. This video was very emotional and i think that if more people saw it there would be less bullying.
ReplyDeleteI thought this video was extremely powerful; It really made me think. This video allowed me to realize what other people are going through and although I've heard about it all before this time it was different. The expression in his voice really helped me understand. His words went in though my ears and touched my heart. I now know that I need to do something, I need to help someone let their voice be heard.
ReplyDeleteWhen I watched the video I was struck by the honesty of the speaker's emotion. I was also forced to confront the times when I have been a bully in my life. In fact, I found myself not only reflecting on my life as a child, but also as an educator. It is easy, in the role of a teacher, to get caught up in getting "things" done at the expense of children's need for caring and compassion. At the beginning of the year I told your parents that I don't think the most important lessons that you will learn this year will come out of the curriculum, and I stand by that statement. It is hard sometimes to do what you believe to be right when working in a system that has, by necessity, regulations. What makes my job challenging and rewarding at the same time, is finding the balance between those lessons that will prepare you for secondary school and those that will prepare you for life. In time, you will best be able to measure my success.
ReplyDeleteI felt sad about the kids getting bullied. I felt upset about the hearts that were breaking into shards. I don't like that kids' hearts get broken. I didn't like it when the author's voice got louder and louder. I think this film has a strong message for all kids.
ReplyDeletei think this was a very sad movie and i fl really tuched by it. made me think about when i had no friends in grade three.
ReplyDeleteThat video really inspired me to think more about what I say to other kids. I think that it really opened my eyes to see what happens to other kids. It is really sad that bullying and depression happens to so many kids. I can think of four kids that get bullied in our school right off the top of my head. But that is only in grade six and seven. So I can't imagine the number of kids bullied in our whole school.
ReplyDeleteI think that the short we watched today was a really powerful film. It shows how powerful bulling is and what it can do. It made me think about what I say some times I regret that. I can think of the four kids that get bullied and thats only in grade 6. That movie made me think about how much it would hurt to get bullied I feel bad for the kids who get bullied in our school.
ReplyDeleteI think this video was extremely strong in the word and picture sense. I know when I come to school that when the teacher says "group project" I look to my friends and don't think to glance around and make sure everyone else is in a group as well. I've never stepped into another perspective and look at all the cliques around and feel what it feels like. This will definitely help bring awareness to bullying and make people feel welcome.
ReplyDeleteWhen I watched the video it really got me to think about how kids are treated in school by other kids, which is what the video is designed to do. It didn't surprise me how kids are treated, or their reactions, but the piece about the adopted kid felt so strange because of his parents. I think that if many people that have bullying problems were born with parents that don’t work as much, or are were sympathetic, we would have much less people managing difficulties stemming from being called names, or feeling excluded. This would not only affect the amount of people that can’t manage people bullying them, but also reduce the population of bullies. Nevertheless, if you do see someone excluded this does not mean you should just ignore them, or exclude them more then they already have been. I think that if we had more people seeing videos like this, the world would be a much better place.
ReplyDeleteI thought that this video was very amazing, it was also very saddening to see how just being called names and such can leave a huge stain on the rest of your life, how when people say things about you, you begin to believe them. so I think the moral that you have to believe that they were wrong, and push back, tell them to stop, is extremely powerful and moving. and since I have watched it I have been thinking about it, and to think that some, even kids would take their lives because of bullying is eye opening.
ReplyDeleteI was moved.
The video stunned me the amount of emotion that it gave off. It was depressing the music the artwork almost all of it was depressing, it was like the sun was dead and there was no hope left in the world, and not having a mom or a dad to welcome you home or ask what was wrong. Why would they pick on a girl for having a birth mark on her face it’s the way she is and you can’t change it by bullying her it wrong to treat any body like that. I wish that there was no hate in the world
ReplyDeleteAfter watching the video this morning, I felt a shock run through me. An icy shock. I felt this shock because I know what it's like to have been teased in the past and it hurts, a lot. It's a memory that you can't erase. Once a child is they're not the same. For some children it's like a stab to the sole. They go home and melt into tears.
ReplyDeleteI thought the video had a really positive message. But it made me think about all the kids in my school and how some of them must be feeling and that there are probably some kids in are school that go home crying because of bullying. I also thought that the video had a big impact on the class and it was interesting to see how quite and calm everybody was after the video. I really liked the images because they weren’t serious images but they sent a very serious message. I have to say I found the video pretty depressing. I really enjoyed just sitting quietly and thinking after the video and I think we should do that more in class.
ReplyDeleteThank you all for sharing such thoughtful insights and personal words. You are all so brave. Every comment resonated with me in some way. While I felt sad, I also felt hopeful because I see all of you making a difference. Your compassion, resiliency, and genuine caring shines. I feel inspired by you. When I watched the video I thought about how dark and horrible life can be at times. In these times I find some of my biggest learning. I can't give up and I know it will be okay or even has to be and I will dig deep inside me to find the strength for myself and others. Thanks for letting me share a bit too.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Trina, for taking the time to comment. I think you are right on target with your observations. We adults sometimes don't give kids credit for the depth of their thoughts and the class really did some deep thinking on this topic. I, too, believe that this is a very empathetic group and that gives me hope for our future.
DeleteClass, I have been telling everyone I can about what a positive and powerful experience this has been for me (and you). I was brought to tears (literally) when I read your comments. Your use of metaphor and simile added to the force of your words. Thank you for being so honest: I think that speaks to the level of trust you have in one another. I'm warmed by the fact that you have the confidence to write so openly about your thoughts and feelings. People could learn a lot from you all.
ReplyDeletei haven't watched the video but after reading all your comments, i don't feel i need to. It impacted you in a personal and deep way and I'm glad. I was a victim of bullying my entire 13 years of school. I can remember a thought that kept resonating through those years: 'I don't understand why you are treating me this way, I haven't done anything to you, if you only took the time to get to know me you'd see I'm a nice person. I don't understand why you're doing this to me.'
ReplyDeleteMany many many many hours of counselling and a daily self talk of why I'm worthwhile (which I only started in my adult life) gets me through each day, because when you are bullied, you believe the things people say about you and conclude only that you must have done something wrong, or maybe you're just wrong and shouldn't be around, since everyone around you says nasty things to your, or worse, ignore you. The obvious conclusion for a child/teen is "I guess I just don't matter."
I've been there, it's a dark and frightening place.
Make a difference you guys, say hi everyday to that person whom you think is 'different', intentionally have lunch with them, invite them to be in your group, even though you think they're not cool, don't wait for someone else to do it, because you are the one who's reading this, and you're the one who's, by doing this, is gonna save a life, or two, or three.
This film showed me what people are really feeling when someone say something hurtful to them or call them a name. I never know what people are thinking because they cover up their emotions, but now I really have a better understanding. I was bullied before so I know what it feels like but I had never really noticed it when it's someone else. This film changed the way i saw things made me see them in a whole different perceptive.