I hope everyone had a good weekend; I'm feeling a bit sore after a weekend of snowshoeing and winter camping at Dakota Ridge with the army cadets. We began the day with a cursive writing practice and a discussion about dressing in layers. We also talked about different fabric choices available for the different layers. We learned that every selection has pros and cons: we talked about weight, cost, drying speed, insulative quality, wind resistance and comfort. I will bring some samples to class as a follow-up activity. Next, the class went to band and continued with their testing. Some students stayed in class to work on the setup of their Egypt inquiry presentations. It is clear that lots of work was done over the weekend to gets things ready.
After recess we did a short French lesson. Here is the link: Expressions. Then, in Math 7, we did the practice test on p. 123 and the Unit Problem on pp. 124-25. Tomorrow we'll start the cumulative review for Units 1-3.
After lunch we had aboriginal ed with Kristi. She shared a presentation on west coast aboriginal art design. We saw a short video that explained some of the main elements and then she gave some samples and the students practiced creating those elements. Next, the class tried to join the "parts" together to create some animal forms themselves - the students were very engaged and had fun in this lesson. We had a chance to pick a presenters list for the Egypt presentations when we returned, and then Simon and Hannah shared their learning. I am looking forward to all of the presentations because I expect there to be a great deal of diversity.
Please remember that some parents are invited to I.E.P. meetings tomorrow (if you haven't been contacted by Ms. Foster, then you are not affected.
Here is the order of Egypt presenters list:
1. Simon
2. Hannah
3. Kira
4. Kassandra
5. Christopher
6. Oliver
7. Amber
8. Goldney
9. Nicholas
10. Sam
11. Mia
12. Mackenzie
13. Emily
14. Kaneeka
15. Gage
16. Bowen
17. Gus
18. Sadie
19. Braedon
20. Noah
21. Avery
22. Saleah
23. Landeer
24. Arif
25. Kiah
26. Sophia
27. Cody (already done with me)
I was just wondering... wouldn't it make more sense to present with your whole group instead of individually. It would be a bit easier to follow the question. But that's just me:)