Yesterday we met Ben Ged Low and we learned about a film his father made in Newfoundland in 1967. The title was
The Children of Fogo Island. We started the day by watching the film (thanks for the idea, Joanna). I asked the class to think about the imagery as well as the
story. I was also aware of the music and sound - this piece did not have a narrator. I was struck by the simplicity of children's lives. They were industrious and creative - sounds like the kinds of skills I keep hearing are to be promoted for kids in the 21st century. Of course, there were no video games and yet the kids were busy and smiling all of the time; it kind of reminded me of my childhood in Port Moody. When I saw the airplane it made me recall taking a bunch of lumber and "building a boat" (more like a raft) in my basement and asking my dad to take me down to the Rocky Point boat launch - he didn't. I was also struck by the number of kids around. I grew up at the end of the baby boom, so when we played outside there were always tons of kids: when we played road hockey, we had to have lines there were so many players. Like the kids in the movie, there were no parent-organized
play dates and only a few channels on black and white t.v. so we made our own fun: try playing
kick the can with 30 kids over two city blocks. I was also drawn to the fact that the kids helped the adults and the adults helped the kids. What a beautiful life - tough, but beautiful.
Here is the link if you wish to view the film (it's 17 heart-warming minutes long)
Colin Low Film
Useful fractions to memorize |
The class had band and after recess we read for a bit, delivered Valentine's treats and then did math until 11:30 when some of us worked with Mr. Pond's class to prepare a Valentine's sock hop held in the gym at lunch. Some chose to stay in class to get more of their problem set completed.
The 7s should be finished p. 121 to # 6 for homework.
We spent the whole afternoon working on our inquiry projects. Many people were constructing slides for PowerPoint presentations.
I expect most students will have some homework this weekend because the projects are supposed to be ready for sharing on Monday. A few students have already finished.
Please bring comfortable clothes for yoga tomorrow in p.e.
Please don't forget there will be a parent information meeting at school on Tuesday 19th at 6 p.m.
The children of Fogo island is a very interesting documentary because its just using the extra film that the photographer didn't use up and yet it became the main video. I like the fact that they found something without even looking for it.I want to go to Newfoundland for a class trip.
ReplyDeleteLet's start fundraising!
DeleteIn "The Children of Fogo Island", it showed that children had creativity. From making wooden airplanes that got tugged by a rowboat, to stilts on rocks, to wooden houses and tap-dancing, instead of video games. Their clothing was tattered, showing that they didn't get new clothes every month, maybe just once a year or when they really needed them. I like the fact of how they didn't give up on making stuff, and had enough creativity to imagine that the plane they built could fly. I also like the fact that they could do whatever they want. It seems like Newfoundland was a nice place to live in back then.
ReplyDeleteInteresting how you noticed the clothing, Chris. I also like how you use a different means to measure happiness.
Deletethe children of Fogo island is a great film about kids who mack amazing things i think people in this class could mack things like forts stilts boats and other things that the kids made i also think that if kids don't have TV or Video games they are more creative.
ReplyDeleteYes, Simon, I think you guys could make those things too. Creativity is a wonderful thing.
Deletethe children of Fogo island look like they are having way more fun then we
ReplyDeleteare today because we r sitting in front of a tv now but back then they were
making houses planes. maybe we could try making a house out of wood
in the forest. i think that would be fun to do that because it would help
with our trip to the cabins.
I've been thinking of getting you guys to make a shelter in the forest - lots of good lessons in that sort of thing.
DeleteI liked the movie on The Children of Fogo Island but it kind of freaked me out when I saw the things they could make, like the airplane. It was also strange how the adults were almost never around, even when the kids were on boats. I think it would be weird having almost no technology, but I guess they haven't seen anything like a computer, or TV. But what I realized is that it may seem strange to us, living where we do, but I think that there are a lot of people in other countries who live very similar lives (Except without as much fun) and that we should be thankful for what we have.
ReplyDeleteYes, Nicholas, it's easy to say that the life these people seem to lead is wonderful, but life on the Rock in an outport was also very tough. We didn't get to see the kids walking around during a storm.
Deletei thought it was cool how the kids had no electronics and they would find something to do every day. it was cool how they al made stilts and could all walk on them. when they made the house and the airplane i thought it was cool because the plane flouted and the house had walls a roof and a door. i think it is really cool how the kid got their parents to not move away when they had almost no work.
ReplyDeleteNice connection with what Mr. Low told us yesterday. The film doesn't show anything about the story when the cameras left.
DeleteI think that it is really creative how they can just go out side and build something without thinking about it. The kids are so confident and strong it doesn't seem like much would be to hard for them. It is amazing that at a young age they can build a house and an airplane! Im sure they never get bored wether they were helping their parents or making something fun to play with. I think that it is crazy how kids today think that they can't have fun unless they have a video game of some sort in front of them. It would be fun to be more like them in are everyday life, just go outside and make some stilts or a house!
ReplyDeleteI think it's interesting how you connected to their sense of confidence - very perceptive.
DeleteThese children are spectacular because they have so little yet they seem so happy. Its great seeing children some even our own age spending all their time outside inventing and creating things no others could make. They are all very independent because it looks to me like they just go off for the day and look after themselves while their parents are at work. Another thing I find interesting is that in order to make all of there wonderful toys they just use old scraps lying around the place and then turn them into great things to play and have fun with. sometimes I wish we could go back in time and live like them with no TV or video games; I can only imagine what it would be like!
ReplyDeleteWonderful job on the structure of your reflection, Emily: you nailed the topic sentence.
DeleteThe children of Fogo Island were harvesting hay with an old farmer. They used their boats to deliver supplies. They played with small boats that they made. They walk on large sticks called stilts for fun. The children of Fogo Island were loading hay on the truck. They were tugging a large toy sea plane around the island for those that are on board to have fun.
ReplyDeleteHey Sam, very observant. I was wondering what that stuff was, and now I know - hay.
DeleteWhat i saw in this video was the children of fogo island using resources they found around there island to build houses, planes and other things.
ReplyDeleteunlike kids now a days who have ipods, TV's and computers, these kids have to relie on what they have them selves such as making stilts out of tree branch's and making a roof out of pieces of wood laid over top of wire to keep the rain out
I thought it was amazing how a few kids built a house in an afternoon, I also thought it was cool how they built a plane and took it out on the water pulled by a boat.
Yes, I too, was thinking about the difference between then and now. Could you be so resourceful?
DeleteI think it's fascinating how the can keep themselves busy with anything at such a young age. It gives you a great feeling when you see kids being very productive with their time instead of wasting it on mindless activities. As you can tell they look like they live in a poor town, so they may not have the money to do sports and such, but they make the best of their daily life, and what better way to spend it than with your friends and doing physical activities. I really like how independent they are, not relying on their parents to find them something to do. It looks to me like they go off for the day and make something out of nothing and that's a great skill to have under your belt.
ReplyDeleteIt's interesting how you connected with the "feeling" the film gives us. Not many students wrote about the emotional appeal.
DeleteI think that it is neat how the children of Fogo always seamed to be having so much fun.I also think its really cool how they can play all day with the things that they made like the airplane and the house. When we always have to be using electronics like our iPods and phones.
ReplyDeleteI remember being gone "all day" as a kids. We came home when we were hungry. I also remember having to get changed into my "play clothes" when I got home from school. We just don't do that anymore, do we?
DeleteThe thing about “The Children of Fogo Island” is they were resourceful. When they were bored they did something about it! Some kids built a miniature house; others even built a plane! It didn’t fly of coarse but their father pulled it through the water by boat. I wish we could be like those kids. They had an amazing imagination! I wish we could be like them because they didn’t need iPhones, iPods, TV’s, computers, or video games to make them happy. They had each other.
ReplyDeleteHmm, I wonder if these kids ever said they were bored. I'm sure they did. What do you suppose was the response of their parents?
DeleteI think the children of Fogo island look like they have a lot of fun building and making cool things. They also seem like the have a time to do what they want. I also think its cool that they can just walk around without any adults telling them what to do. So to conclude i think that they children on Fogo island have a good life.
ReplyDeleteYes, these kids certainly seem to have a great deal of independence. Why is it that parents today are so less likely to just let their kids "roam." Have you heard of "helicopter parents?' What do you think of that?
DeleteThe children of Fogo island is a documentary that was filmed using only the extra film the camera man had after each interview with the adults and it ended up being the most important part. The fact that the children used their imagination to have fun and not video games and electronics.
ReplyDeleteYes, it's ironic that "extra" film ended up being something so special. I too, think is is neat how much these kids used their imaginations.
DeleteI think it was pretty cool that the kids on the island of Fogo could make what they did. Even when there island was running low on money. They knew how to have lots of fun. I was amazed that the kids airplane and boat could float because if I made made a boat or an airplane, I don't think that it would float. I think that the documentary was very inspiring.
ReplyDeleteAh, inspiring; yes, that is the word i was looking for; well done!
DeleteI really liked the film "The Children of Fogo Island". I liked that the children were spending there time building things, being outside, and just having fun with friends in person rather then modern times where kids spend most of there free time inside playing video games, texting, using computers and social networking sites, and watching t.v. They were extremely talented at building. I think that it would be better if more kids spent there time how they did back then. It would be really cool if when the wether gets nicer our class could make forts or rafts and "test them out".
ReplyDeleteYes, interesting how you noted that they spent their time with people, and not things. Is a virtual connection as valuable? Why, or, why not?
DeleteIn the film 'The Children Of Fogo Island' I noticed that the children were very creative with how they would have fun. They would build, make believe, and put in an effort for there enjoyment. There was no video games, computers, or TV's and they had found a way to have fun without them. I think that since they were engaging with more, and being more creative, they will have more of an understanding of the world.
ReplyDeleteNeat observation about connecting with the "real" world. I'll bet these kids don't have 876 "friends."
DeleteI think that it was a pretty good short film. I liked that it was about the island rebuilding its self. The fact that Fogo island was going bankrupt and the people there where inspired by the kids on the island. i was amazed that after the kids made all the creations like the water plane the house and the boat. i can't believe that the island made thirty million dollars.
ReplyDeleteInteresting observation, Landseer. The kids were always building things in the film - an interesting metaphor for how the community was able to rebuild itself after the fishery collapsed.
DeleteThe film that we watched was about children of Fogo island, The people of Fogo island are not the Richest people and in the movie it kind of shows that there ok with it. I mean i didn't see a ipod or a phone in there back pocket. I think it would be cool to have all that freedom running around building boats and houses and air planes that don't fly.
ReplyDeleteThose kids did have a lot of freedom - in a sense. In another way though, they were locked onto an island and that might mean they spent a lot of time at home. As someone who has to take a ferry, you have a good idea what that is like, don't you?