Today we had art before recess. We took time to organize our work so that it could be assessed after school. I am pleased to report that Joanna was very pleased with the progress that has been made. A very few students still have to complete one or two pieces, but the majority of students will receive an "A" grade. There will be a small window of time for those who didn't get their action pieces finished to do so. After that period, the "I"s ("Incomplete"s) will be converted to "A"s if the work is done, or to lower grades if not done. Remember that next week we will start with colour -
we need coloured pens, pencils, water colours etc as well as styrofoam egg cartons: please help if you are able. (Last week I posted a more detailed request).

After recess some students did math tests while the remainder listed to their peers' PPT presentations. We still aren't finished and will need some time tomorrow. It would be easy to say this is taking a lot of class time, but I think time building fluency with technology and developing confidence presenting will pay dividends in the future. After lunch we did the science test and I started to do the oral French quizzes (one-on-one) in the hall. We only had time to do a few before we had the pleasure of being entertained by Infinitus - a string trio of very skilled musician who seemed to be able to play anything from a variety of genres. It was wonderful. Here is a link to their web site:
I thought the class's behaviour during the presentation was much improved over our last assembly. There was still a small group of students who talked and disturbed those around them, but that was much more isolated than before - thank you.
I have two skating permission forms in so far. These three outings should be considered an extension of the p.e. curriculum rather than as "field trips" per se. Thus far we have two parent volunteer drivers; please check your calendars if you are willing/able to help drive.
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