Today was a wonderful day. I leave school today with a very warm heart knowing that the class made a huge leap forward this week. The students did a terrific job making the Remembrance ceremony a success. First, I was surprised at how many students arrived looking so good in their finery. There was a great tone to the pre-ceremony preparation as people moved about their assigned tasks with very little direction from the adults. Everything got done quickly and there was no slouching: I was often asked if there was anything I needed help with; it was super. We set up a vignette at the front of the gym: it had some military artifacts as well as maple leaves, and red poppies for remembrance and white poppies for peace. Thanks to Mr. Clemence for his help squaring away some of the last minute details.

During the ceremony, the two senior classes were good role models as they sat quietly and respectfully for everyone to enter the gym. Those from our class who got up, Simon with the drum group and afterwords with a reading, Kiah with the choral group, Sadie with her recital of
In Flanders Fields and Oliver as flag bearer, filled their roles well. Many came up to me afterwords with praise for them. What impressed me the most, however, was the perfect silence that the whole school achieved during the two-minute silence. I didn't think students so young could be so still. I think that the example provided by the 6s and 7s helped to make that possible. I was also pleased to see so many parents present. Its nice when parents have the opportunity to see you at your best. It costs nothing to honour others and I think everyone did an admirable job today honouring those who sacrificed for us. Thank you; Mr. Pond and I are proud of you.
Mr Grice has asked me to post the following note:
- Ask the Band students to write into their planners the following: “Music students are required to practice, (as their homework for the class), a minimum of 20 minutes per day, 7 days per week. Assignment for next class: remainder of pg. 6, all of 7, 8 & 9” Parent signature/initial required.
- Ask them to bring their planners to class with them – every class - from now on. (I made this request long ago – it didn’t happen, and I didn’t follow up on it. My mistake, not the students.)
I think that they all came back from hunting because there are bows and quivers and they decided to go to the bar. It looks like they had been drinking out of the trick cup and one of the guys pushed the guy that looks like he's falling. As he was falling he threw up his bow and the jug of beer they had been holding.