Wow - one-third of the class was absent today. Thus, we used the day as a catch-up day. We spent the whole day tidying up all of the assignments that we have been working on over the past few weeks. Most students worked on their poetry research projects (PowerPoint presentations). I'm pleased with the sophistication of the slides that are being produced. Apparently someone was listening when we discussed the characteristics of good slide composition. Many students also worked on their still-life portraits. See the last few blog posts for a summary of what's due.
I added two new things to do.
1) Complete a self-evaluation of your performance in p.e. using the rubric. Hand it in to me when you're done - it only take a minute.
2) As a follow up to the work we've done in Health and Career Planning around empathy and bullying, I assigned the following:
Write a fictitious (make-believe) letter from either the persona of a bully or the victim of a bully. You may call on a scene from "Flowers for Algernon" (ex. the scene where Gimpy trips Charlie at the dance club) or from the novel Crash (ex. the scene where the bullies put mustard on Pen's socks), or you can invent something in your own imagination. This assignment should demonstrate your understanding of empathy and thus, I would expect that if you take on the persona of the bully, you would not write a mean, hateful letter, but rather one of self-realization that shows empathy towards your victim. Your letter should be no less than 150 words and may be typed or neatly printed or written, preferably in ink. The letter is due on Monday.
Please consider Monday the deadline for work if you wish it to be recorded on the report card that is due in to the office Friday morning.
Next week I'll be giving a brief oral test in French (after a short review). I'll also be giving a brief written test in Science - the crossword puzzle link posted this week should be considered the review.
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