After recess we had 15 minutes of silent reading – I’ve
started to use reading as a way to transition from breaks to instruction after
recess and after lunch. Next we
did math. In Math 7 we worked on the practice set on pp. 73-75. Many students were able to finish. Some are moving more slowly as they
work to master the concept of subtracting integers. To be sure, the concept that adding a positive integer is
like subtracting a negative integer is the one piece that is giving the most
people the most trouble, but it’s coming.
We’ll work to achieve mastery through the process of over-learning and
hopefully achieve a deeper, longer-lasting fluency this way. Please try to complete the questions for homework.
During lunch the grade 7s had a second fund-raising meeting
with some of the parents. Mr. Pond
and I were advised that some students might have felt shy to sign up for
committee work because of the process that was first employed, so today we
asked students to write on a ballet their first choice for the committee they’d
like to work with and we will compose a new list from that information. Not being on a planning committee does
not mean a student will be excluded from participating in the execution of an
activity. Our meetings seem to be Fridays at lunch, and all parents are welcome
to participate.
After lunch we read used an iPad and Google Earth to
investigate global geographic perspectives, and to look at Egypt from a number
of views. We practiced posing
questions and hypothesizing before seeking answers through investigation and
experimentation. It was fun
finding pyramids and the Great Sphinx and looking at the High Aswan Dam and its
effect on the Nile. We noted that
the textbook map of Egypt included the Aswan reservoir, which of course did not
exist in the period we’re studying.
Afterwards, we read pp. 86-90. Remember to take bullet notes and answer ONE of the prompts at the bottom of p. 90 in a 5-sentence paragraph. Please post your paragraph as a comment to this blog post - remember to add your name.
We ended the day with the second group doing their “beep
test” up in the gym. I was pleased
with the strong effort that everyone showed – there was no slouching and
everyone appeared to try his or her hardest. We do the strength and flexibility training next week and
then test those categories, too.
Have a good weekend.