*pencil set (12 pencils) $2.00
*2B pencil $1.15
*pastel set $2.80
*eraser: soft $0.95
large $2.95
kneaded $1.50
*conti (nupastel, 3 colours: black, white, burt sienna) $5.25
*shammy $ TBA (Joanna is still sourcing)
I'll talk to Joanna and communicate our plan on the blog and through a paper notice, but it looks like I'll be asking parents to send about $15 to school so we can get materials.
After recess we did math. I reviewed yesterday's homework sets for both the 6s and 7s. Both groups will be getting a practice test on Monday and the real test on Wednesday.
After recess we had a disjointed time while the class photos were taken and we finished the day with science. Almost a third of the class failed to do their homework assigned Monday. I will be rechecking it first thing tomorrow. We also did the next lesson in Chapter One (pp. 11-14). Since we don't have our own text books I couldn't assign the four questions for homework, but that will have to get finished tomorrow.
And now, on the "social front:"
Today I felt the need to separate the desks that have up until now, been grouped in paired rows. In spite of many class discussions, individual corrections, and in some cases, individual losses of free time, there remain about ten students who routinely disrupt the class or slow the pace of learning with their habitual and not-so-private talking. I realize that the problem may have been of my own making since I created the furniture set-up, but I truly expected that this group would be able to manage themselves more positively. I hope that in time we can return to the way things were, but I can no longer wait for change. I explained that if this new plan does not have a positive effect, the next step will have to be a seating plan where students are completely separated from their "friends." I hate punitive actions but I am no longer willing to get impatient and grumpy towards the whole class while waiting for the minority to settle.


Grade 6s are requested to bring in their immunization forms for the public health nurse a.s.a.p.
Tomorrow I will canvas the grade 7s to see who is interested in attending the "Sugar Bowl" on November 1st. It is a day to burn off the Hallowe'en sugar, but also to meet the other grade 7s on the Coast (in preparation for secondary school, next year).
I've also been asked about our class organizing a set of Hallowe'en fun day activities in the gym on October 31. My feelings are mixed as I feel we've already lost much class time and risk getting behind in the curricula - report cards are coming. We'll have a short discussion about this tomorrow.
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