I was again pleased with the way everyone worked today; I thought we got a lot of good work done.
We began with an extension lesson for Friday's descriptive paragraph work. We looked at the editing and revision process. We also looked at increasing the descriptive value of a piece by evaluating the connections made to the reader's senses. After recess we all went in different directions. Ms. Taggert and I worked with two groups of students to fine tune their multiplication accuracy while the remainder of the class worked independently on their writing (using the computers). As the math students showed they were ready, they too began to write.
We ended the day watching more of the Flowers for Algernon movie. Tomorrow we'll be working on the novel Crash as well as reconnecting with our study of Mesopotamia in Socials. We'll be doing some on-line research after discussing a PPT presentation I've created. If you want a preview, you can check out the link:
(Use this link to gain access to information on various means of transportation in Mesopotamia.)
Note: We'll start our skating on November 20 (11:00 - 12:00) so I will be requesting parent volunteers to drive. Remember that volunteers need to provide a criminal record search, proof of license and proof of liability insurance. I know it sounds like a lot to do for the "privilege" of helping us, but we need to respect the measures put in place to guarantee the students' safety. Please let me know if you can help. (Other known dates are Nov 27 and Dec 4.)
Hi Mr. Marshall
ReplyDeleteI did attempt to post a comment from my phone on Thursday night but I was having difficulty. I was having trouble around the profile thing. It all got pushed back with the active thanksgiving weekend.
Firstly, I would like to express my appreciation to Joanna (sp?) for so generously offering her precious time and expertise with our children. From Hannah's feedback, it sounded challenging at times but she really enjoyed it.
Secondly, I am very happy to pay for my child's art supplies. I would prefer to keep fundraising for more expensive items.
thirdly, I really enjoy this blog and I encourage other parents to comment or email him to ensure that Mr, Marshall can see the value of it.
Thanks again, hope this posts this time....