Today we got right into our descriptive writing on the computers. I started with a brief discussion of the importance of connecting with the reader's senses, and then included a brief lesson on three of the most basic literary devices. I then modeled the whole paragraph writing process, from start to finish:
a) Select photo from Google Images, then drag it onto a blank Word document.
b) Format the photo "tight."
c) Give the document a title and add your name.
d) Do a very brief two to three-minute mind map (like the photo shows).
e) Compose a clever topic sentence that a) identifies/narrows the focus; and, b) creates interest/mystery.
f) Write a second sentence that "answers" the mystery of the topic sentence.
g) Write about five sentences that expand the description (remember the senses).
h) Use a closer to open the topic/reader's thinking back up.
i) Go back and be critical of your word choice.

Here is the sample we developed together in class (up to step "h"):
Our next task would be to look at our body sentences to decide where we could add details from the prewriting we did.
After recess we tested our improvement in the basic math operations by working through some worksheets that got progressively more difficult.
During lunch we had the Crazy Hair Day judging in the gym. Thanks to Goldney, Emily, Kassandra, Mackenzie and Kiah for orchestrating the event for the whole school (I hope I got that right and didn't miss anyone - I apologize if I did).
After lunch we helped our little buddies with a Thanksgiving art activity - I thought our class did a perfect job in supporting the younger students: props, you guys/gals.
At the end of the day the students did their first solo "still life" sketch and then played a game of soccer outside for p.e.
This weekend is the last chance to finish reading Crash. Also, we are arranging to share five trips to the skating rink with Mr. Pond's class (dates t.b.a.). The cost will be $25 each, but more will follow in the future as details become known.
I hope everyone has a nice long weekend. It was a pleasure to be in the room with you today as everyone worked and listened so well. Thanks.
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