Also, time is running out for us to collect donations for the class gift basket for the Spring Fling fund raiser. The event is Saturday, but we need time to prepare the basket beforehand.
Grade 7s, please return the forms from the Elphinstone package sent home yesterday.

Next, I brought out the ropes and we learned how to tie a fisherman's knot. When the computer cart was available we started a descriptive paragraph using an image of parkour as our inspiration. Here it is:

After recess we had math. The grade 7s worked to complete their chapter reviews. Here is a sample of how to use algebra tiles to model an equation:
After lunch we took a bit of time to tidy up the paragraphs we had started before recess, and then folks moved on to their passion inquiry projects. I circulated, sharing my time between helping students improve their paragraphs, and helping them to design inquiry questions. We ended the day by listening to Mackenzie and Goldney share their socials inquiry on ancient China and ancient Rome. I've been very satisfied with the presenters' efforts so far.
Playing with my new InstaweatherPro app. |
I know the weather has been uncooperative, but four students rode their bicycles to school today. Remember, only those who cycle will get tickets to enter the draw for the new bike.
Heads up: June 5th with be NEON DAY: dress up and have a chance to win a prize. Also, there will be an Appreciation Tea on June 5th at 3 p.m. in the school library: all parents, guardians and caregivers are cordially invited.
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