First, let me say what a wonderful day we all had on the grade 7 year-end trip to Vancouver yesterday. The laser tag, rock wall climbing, harbour cruise, tandem bike trip and playground time were all a huge success. There were many people involved in the logistics of getting this year-long venture completed, but I think we will all agree that two mums went above and beyond, and they deserve to be recognized:
thank you Agnes and Dianne! Mr. Pond was a photo ninja and even after he had culled the herd, he was able to post 180 photos to his classroom blog. Here is the link:
mega photo cache
The fire truck at Second Beach, Stanley Park
We started today with a French quiz and then did some meta-cognition: some thinking about our thinking. Ex. "I will try to remember to...." Here is a copy of the quiz:
Next, we practiced our knots for fifteen minutes before band. Some students were pretty rusty with the bowline - remember, it's probably the most useful knot I've shown you.
After recess we went to the gym to hear about Bike to School Week next week. The students learned of the contest to win a fancy new bike and how they can earn a ticket for the draw each day they ride to school next week. After the assembly, we started math. In Math 7 students worked to complete the problem set for the final lesson, 6.5. As students finished, I started to challenge them with a new twist on isolating variables. There is no homework.
After lunch we read for fifteen minutes and then I gave some instructions for the passion inquiry project. Specifically, I indicated the need for more initial structure and planning. I spent the rest of the hour checking in with students and helping them with their organization and inquiry question proposals. We ended the day with an old-fashioned game of kick-the-can.
NOTE: Few students were ready to present their socials inquiry projects today. I will not deduct points for being late, but I may give special consideration to students who were able to meet all criteria, including the deadline.
Heads up:
Monday is immunization day for grade 6s.
Monday is also the day the Elphinstone counsellors will be in to talk to the grade 7s.
Finally, Monday we have Aboriginal ed. with Kristi.
I cant wait until I am in grade 7. I am looking really forward to all of the fun field trips, especially the year end one. I hope that they keep the year end field trip mostly the same, because I really want to go tandem biking and laser tagging. I also look forward to hopefully doing the snowshoe trip again. Grade six has been fun, but I think that grade 7 will be even better. In grade seven I will be able to sit on the benches at assemblys and I wont get kicked off. I liked the inquiry projects this year but I hope that I will do some different projects next year as well. I cant wait till grade seven.
ReplyDeleteI personally I cant wait for the year to end and the summer to begin and I wish I could stay on summer vacation forever. That said I have thoroughly-enjoyed grade 6 and I am constantly thinking about grade 7 and the end of grade seven and my first year of high school. Personally I am excited about high school and my last year in elementary school to because I know that next year I will be going on the graduation field-trip which sounds like lots of fun and hopefully on the cabin trip too because that was a big highlight of this year. There were many other highlights this year too, like he inquiry which I found quite fun especially the passion inquiry which I hope to do again next year. Over all I think I have had a fabulous year of grade six but I cant wait until I am the leader in the school.
DeleteI think that grade seven is going to be awesome. I am interested to see how different or the same next year will be compared to this one. I really hope we do the tandem biking and laser tagging again. I also look forward to the snowshoe trip. I really like that we get to sit on the benches when we are in the gym. I enjoyed inquiry but I hope we do some other work as well. I hope we get more to chose what we we learn about some of the time like the passion inquiry because it makes in more fun to do research and planning. I also like all the leadership we get to have. Although grade six has been amazing I think grade seven will be even better.
ReplyDeleteI really liked the field trip. It was one of the best I have ever been on. I didn't have a favorite part because it was all very fun.
ReplyDeleteI found it also very interesting that we got to watch the cargo ships go by. especially the really big one. The tandem biking was very fun and interesting. But me and Sam had some close calls going around the rocks and the leaning trees. Laser tag was fun and my team was the best. Rock climbing was fun too. But from clawing at the fake rocks started to make your fingers hurt. The trip was very enjoyable.
I also want to thank all the parents and people that helped out.
Deletei am excited for grade 7. i am not going to this school next year so i have nothing to talk about.
ReplyDeletereally? really hannah?...
DeleteI just want to thank my mommy (Laura Clark) for coming with us for her birthday!
ReplyDeleteI think this field trip was a wonderful opportunity to spend with the other class. Even though you couldn't talk to people as easily as you wanted, you still had plenty of time to enjoy, not with just your close friends, but with others too! On the paddle boat I thought it was cool to see what some of the structures have evolved to. A big thanks to the parents who made it a mile better, because if someone was down or bored they'd help you out or crack a joke. I thought the bike ride went well and got into a rhythm right off the bat. Even when my partner, (ahem, Emily) took her hands of the bars or swerved to the point where we almost crashed into a bush/tree it was a great memory to remember. A HUGE thanks to Agnes and Dianne for planning our end-of-the year trip. It was all I could talk about when I got home. Lastly, a warm thank-you to all the parents who provided our lunch, cooked our lunch and cleaned up after us. This trip was well worth waiting for!
ReplyDeleteOur grade seven trip was really fun! It must have taken a lot of time and organizing to make the trip such a success! To be honest I didn't think that we would have enough time to do all of the activities that were planned but we did! In fact we had extra time to waste at the park. We started the trip at the laser dome; it was really fun because I had never gone laser tagging before although it was really tiring. After a game of laser tag my group went rock climbing I was really looking looking forward to it but it hurt my hands a lot. I raced Kenzie up the hardest wall and when we reached the top I found out I was afraid of heights! It was extremely scary letting go! By the time we went to the tandem biking rentals I had already used up all of my energy but no doubt somehow I was still crazy while we were tandem biking. Goldney was on the back and it was hardly relaxing because Golding kept screaming about my awful steering skills! Luckily we didn't fall off when I went no hands because I don't think Goldney would forgive me!
ReplyDeleteI have enjoyed grade 6, and think that I have learned lots. We only got to go on one field trip, but we got to learn knots, leadership skills, and the inquiry process. I think that it will be fun to go to grade 7, however, it will be kind of bitter-sweat, not only because we are leaving the school, but also because the grade sevens are always really grumpy. Then again, it will be kind of fun knowing that you're going to be in high school next year, and there will be new people and more opportunities awaiting you, along with different teachers, and a new school. I will also enjoy grade seven because not very many grade sixes are in the 6/7 split. Out of all the things we've done this year so far, I think the Tetrahedron trip was really cool, and I feel pretty lucky that I went on the first trip instead of the second, because the rain probably wasn't that enjoyable. Anyway. Thank you for a good year Mr. Marshall, and I hope that next year I learn as much as I did this year.
ReplyDeleteSorry, I meant three.
DeleteWe actually went on three field trips
DeleteI think that the field trip was really fun. One of my favorite parts was laser tagging even though we didn't win any of our games. I also really liked the rock climbing. The paddle wheeler was fun and I liked been given that time to rest and eat our lunch. I thought the bike ride was great but I was in group (c) at the very back and wished we could have been closer to the front and could have gone faster. I also think that I would have liked it better if we had less stopping because it seemed like we were having to stop and walk our bikes or wait for people who were taking pictures. I think that the bike ride could have been a little bit longer but it was still very fun and a neat experience. The picnic was good and thank you to all the parents who baked or supplied food for the picnic it was very much appreciated. Over all I thought the trip was fun and probably one of the best field trip I will ever go on.
ReplyDeleteI thought the trip was amazing. I expected it to be good but it was one of the best feild trip i have ever been on. I had fun doing everything but the thing i was most exited about was lazer tagging because i had never been before and it turned out to be the best part, I also really enjoyed biking. I was a little scared because i didn't want to fall or crash but it was easier then i thought it would be making it a really good time overall. I didn't know we were going on the boat so it was a suprise to me when we did and it was really fun sailing around on the battle wheeler. The end was great to and there was lots of food which was pretty good after a full day of activity's. The effort and time the parents must have put in to it was incredible and I'm really thank full that they made this feild trip possible also a big thank you to dianne and angus for putting in many hours everyday to help for this feild trip.
ReplyDeleteThe grad trip was really fun; I think everyone really enjoyed it. The laser tag and indoor rock climbing were great but after a while your fingers started to hurt from climbing so much and I think everyone had to work together to make sure people on their team didn’t get shot. The lunch on the paddleboat was nice, we didn’t do much other than walk around but it was a nice break. The tandem biking was really fun as well; it was hard to get started at first but after a while you get the hang of it. Overall the trip was great. I know that the parents worked really hard to make that day happen, so thank you for making that one of the best field trips we’ll go on.
ReplyDeleteI think that the grade 7 field trip into Vancouver was really fun. My favorite part was rock climbing and laser tag but the rest was very fun too. I was glad that my mom got to meet us at second beach after our biking trip. I think it was fun that we got lots of freedom on the trip and we weren't always under surveillance by teachers and parents I felt like it gave us lots of freedom but also responsibility. I was glad that when we were in Vancouver it didn't rain so we had pretty nice weather and that was good. It was too bad that me, Saleah and Kira were sick but we made it thought okay. On the bus in between stops it was cool how the bus driver played the radio so it wasn't quite on the bus(not that it would have been quite anyway with every one talking all the time). I would like to thank all the parents and everyone how contributed on this trip. Thank you so much!
ReplyDeleteI thought this year was really good and this end of the year trip made it even better. it was really fun and i liked working with the other class i hope that the grad sixes have as much fun as i had this year. i honestly think that rock climbing and lazer tagging was the best. but i liked tandem biking was fun to i had lots of fun because iv never done it before and i like to try new things. I would like to give a big thank you to agnes and dianne they have done lots for are grad party and rasing money for are school. I'm exited to go in to grad 8 it will be FUN:)
ReplyDeleteI think that Grade 7 will be great. I am interested in what we will do as grade sevens for the year end trip and also the snowshoe trip again (If we are going into Mr. Marshalls class again, not Mr. Ponds) and all the other little field trips we could possibly do. I think that getting to sit on the benches for assemblies will be awesome. I also think that inquiry was a good process but wasn't my favorite thing to do. I think grade 7 will be better than grade 6 and that it will be a great year.
ReplyDeleteI had tons of fun on our field trip it was very well organized thanks to Dianne and Agnes. I didn't think that we would be able to do all of the activities in one day, and if we did each thing we did would be really short but I was wrong all of them were long enough. The laser tag was so much fun even though I was really bad it was fun! We were the blue team, we lost the first round and won the second. The room the laser tag was in was super cool it had three levels with barrels and obstacles. The rock climbing was really tiring and it hurt my arms but I enjoyed racing Emily up the harder wall!. The boat tour was a good break so we could have lunch and talk to everyone, it was cool passing all of the cruise boats and the freighter. After that we went tandem biking! I was partners with Kassandra we both had lots of fun. At first I thought it would be boring being in groups and not talking to anyone but I was wrong it was still really fun! I was in the front and we were extremely bad at getting on the bike! we just about fell over probably about ten times getting on! Thank you to all the parents who took the time to help us!
ReplyDeleteAll in all, I’d say the trip was a success and thank you to all the parents who helped to make it happen!
ReplyDeleteI have been laser tagging once before, and it was a little different. More competitive, so this was a little mild compared to what I had done before. It was still really fun, just different then I expected.
The paddle wheeler was also different then I expected! I thought it was going to be small, cramped and old. But it was really beautiful! The gold trimming looked great and it was way bigger then I expected…
As for tandem, it was easy and Kira was a great partner! We worked well together, but there was some controversy between what speeds we wanted to go.
Like I said before, it was a great experience and the feast the parents provided was amazing!
I like grade 6 but I can't wait to summer break. I'm going to go to whistler and three of my friends are coming up for my birthday we are going to go ziptreking its going to be fun. but
ReplyDeletethink I will like grade 7 even more. I'm looking forward to grade 7 because you can't be kicked out of the back seats of the bus and all the little kids will look up to you, and you get the benches at assemblies so you can rest your back on the wall. I think the main good thing about being a grade 7 is the fieldtrips like going to the library, gas town and tandem biking.
My favorite part of the trip was tandem biking. But i also liked lazar tag and rock climbing. That trip was the best trip of the year.
ReplyDeleteThanks to all that made a memorable day! I loved lazer tag!...and the comfy bike seat, and the nice lunch with other moms. You are a fun bunch of Creekers!