Next week at a glance:
Monday: Grade 6 immunizations
Monday: Elphinstone Counsellors discuss courses with Grade 7s
Monday: Aboriginal Ed with Kristi
Monday: Bike to school week begins (draw to win a new bike)
Wednesday: Art with Joanna: please bring a large potato and a paring knife (wrapped carefully an stored at Mr. Marshall's desk
Wednesday: Yoga with Nikki (last class of the year)
We began the day with a French lesson. We examined the verb "to eat" and introduced some vocabulary associated with food. At the end of the lesson we took turns presenting our pronunciation to one another and it sounded pretty good. Here are the notes:
After French, we got onto the computers and visited Mr. Pond's blog to view some of the photos he took of the trip to Vancouver. I asked the grade 7s to write a reflective paragraph on their experience and post it to yesterday's post on our class blog. The 6s were asked to reflect on their year and to share their thoughts about next year when they will be in grade 7. Check out their thoughts.
After recess, we read for ten minutes and then got right to math. The Math 7 students reviewed some of the prompt words used in math, words such as solve, explain, estimate and answer. Next, I reviewed some of the questions from yesterday's assignment, and then they set to work on the unit review. I have to say we are in a real groove in math and are progressing quickly and efficiently through our work these days. I asked that everyone be finished question 6 for homework - most were working on 6 when the bell went today.

After lunch we got right to our inquiry work. Some students used their hour to tidy up or practice their socials inquiries, others worked on their new passion inquiries. We had time to listen to Kira and Mia's presentation, but because of the great detail that they included, I chose not to start the next one, opting to take five minutes to tidy the room. We ended the day with a walk to the beach. I said that the students could wade their feet in the ocean, but a few students took advantage of that an allowed themselves to get fully submerged in waste-deep water. I explained our need to honour District safety policies to have a lifeguard on duty for that kind of activity and how their choice to push the boundary added risk to the activity and put me in a very tenuous position. I'll have to reconsider my practice in this area.
I hope everyone has an enjoyable weekend. After our discussions, I expect Nicholas and Noah, Gus, Goldney and Mackenzie, and, Bowen and Simon to be ready to present their socials inquiry projects on Monday, starting in the morning.
Finally, I'd like to share some of my thoughts on two topics in education that I am currently focused: leadership and technology. I think we are in exciting times and there is momentum building around reform in education. The students will tell you that I'm hooked on the access to ideas available for sharing on Twitter and I like to think that we at Roberts Creek have the willingness to examine what we do in the service of our students.