Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Wednesday, 24 April

If anyone needs hair glue, 
give me a call.
Please check yesterday's request for paper.

Please remember that tomorrow we have our class picture day and we will also do the whole-school photo. 

We began our day with some work on our study guide questions for the short story “Sisters.”  When Joanna arrived, we put that away and got into our film groups.  We have had some difficulty getting video from the different recording devices onto the school laptops.  In one case we uploaded from the camera to my laptop so we could transfer the data to a flash drive.  Some groups are continuing to film, so I ask that parents continue to be a little flexible about allowing students to stay after school or arrange out-of-school meetings so the film can “get in the can.”

During recess we continued with our week of random dancing.  As you can imagine, I’m pretty skilled on the dance floor.  I do have fun embarrassing the students during these sorts of activities – in that way they are just like my kids at home, "Mr. Marshalllllll."

After recess we read for 10 minutes and then transitioned to math.  In Math 7 we continued with our unit test prep by doing a practice test.  We will have our unit test on Friday since there is a dance tonight and I don't want people to worry about preparing for a test when they should be having fun.  Here are some study notes for Friday:

After lunch we read for 15 minutes and then looked did some metacognition around our last in-class presentation.  Research shows us that having students “think about their thinking” is an important step in the learning process.  Questions such as, “What did I do well?” “What is one think I can improve upon?” “Where can I go to get support?” are all valuable in helping a student move forward.

Next we did some research for our civilizations inquiry projects. Many students have already been able to connect with a preliminary inquiry question. 
Socials projects will be due May 21st.  

Upcoming “Passion Inquiries.” will be
due June 10th.

We ended the day with Nicky and yoga outside on the field.  It took some students a while to settle down (and some needed a little 1:1 time with me) but after a bit, everyone was able to gain focus.

Please remember your instruments for tomorrow’s band class.

Enjoy the dance tonight.  I can be there (I know you're all terribly crushed) because I'm coaching my son's softball team tonight at Hackett Park.

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