Today was a very productive day. We got right to it in English and read another Sarah Ellis short story. I'm trying to push the class a bit by giving them a chance to respond to some tougher questions as well as the usual grade 6-7 fare. I want to get the 7s primed for secondary school so we are being very specific about not only what we answer, but how we answer. It's interesting to note that after reading one story already and after having done the grit test, the class in general was very much grittier this time around. I saw more students collaborating and trying to figure out second and third level questions together: there was lots of debating going on. Thank-you Saleah for honouring Mia's birthday by bringing in cupcakes for everyone - what a kind gesture.

After lunch we read for 15 minutes and then listened to inquiry presentations from Noah and Arif. Four or five students who have yet to present were not able to today. Please ensure you are ready on Tuesday. Also, please ensure you have your second (grade 6) or second and third (grade 7) inquiry ready to hand in on Tuesday. I just got word I have an appointment in Vancouver on Monday, so you all just earned an extra day - please use it!
We ended the day by having our first whole-school track skills practice. Thanks, Mrs. Taggart for leading this venture. This is a good way to incorporate some extra skills development into our regular p.e. program. I'm sorry I omitted to mention today's p.e. plan in yesterday's blog post; as a result some students didn't have proper footwear.
Please remember to bring runners etc. for next Friday's practice.
Please also remember your instruments on Monday.
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