Thursday, March 14, 2013

Thursday, 14 March

Happy Pi Day I have now received 20 of 27 signed report card cover sheets and manila envelopes!

Group One, March 27-28: Nicholas,  Landseer, Gus, Gage, Cody, Kaneeka, Mia, Kira, Sadie, Bowen, Oliver, Braedon, Noah, Thane 

Group Two, April 4-5: Saleah, Sophia, Hannah, Goldney, Mackenzie, Emily, Sam, Arif,  Simon, Kiah, Avery, Amber, Chris

Highlighted names indicate some or all documentation is outstanding.

I have reviewed the driver volunteer forms now that they are almost all in.  Thank you all for the tremendous support.  Some folks even offered to drive on both trips!  We have more drivers than we need - what a great position to be in.  Here is the list I've developed with the number of students carried per vehicle.  I've tried to plan for contingencies.  PLEASE LET ME KNOW RIGHT AWAY IF YOUR CIRCUMSTANCES HAVE CHANGED.

March 27-28 (drivers meet at school on the 27th and at a location they agree upon on the 28th so they can drive up the mountain together).
Thane - 4
Bowen - 5
Kira - 6 
Mia - 4 (safety veh. to stay on mnt)
Standby vehicles in case scheduled driver unavailable
Noah - 6
Gage - 5
Adult leaders: Mr. Douglas Lyon, female first aider TBA, Mr. Marshall
Standby leader: Mr. Billy Davis

April 4-5 (drivers meet at school on the 27th and at a location they agree upon on the 28th so they can drive up the mountain together).
Cody -5
Goldney - 7 (safety veh. to stay on mnt)
Emily - 5
Kaneeka - 4
Standby vehicles in case scheduled driver unavailable
Braedon - 4
Arif - 4
Adult Leaders: Ms. Sandra Veley, Dr. John Hourigan, Mr. Miles Varty, Mr. Marshall
Standby leader: Mr. John Davis

We started the day with a Duolingo French lesson - we burned some of our free hearts, but we made it through to the next level.  If the students have an e-mail address they can open their own account; this would be a good way to differentiate the instruction for those who want to work ahead of our more basic classroom lessons.

Next we discussed the activity timeline and for the snowshoe trips.  We'll meet at the school at 8 am, pack until 10 am and drive to the trailhead for 12 pm.  I've told the students they should be organizing their equipment and clothing on their bedroom floors so they aren't up late the night before the trip still packing (and forgetting) things.  After that, the class had band.

After recess we read for 10 minutes and then transitioned to math.  The grade 7s did their unit test.  The last question gave everyone a lot of trouble.  I ended up giving many hints: I won't count that question as part of the test but may give a similar question later as a quiz.  If you didn't complete the test, you'll have to do so tomorrow.

After lunch we worked on our science inquiry projects.  I praised the class on the speed and focus they showed in getting started today - it was like working with grade 12s today!  I gave a brief talk on creating short and long range goals during inquiry work: I'd like the class to ensure that they have targets each time we get the computers out.  I told the 6s that they will need to do only two inquiries, while the 7s will stick to the plan and do three (all students we be presenting only one of their projects to the class).  We will be presenting after the second snowshoe trip in April.

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