Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Sean Quigley Response

This morning, in advance of Joanna's lesson on film production, I showed three videos by a young Canadian musician/humanitarian named Sean Quigley.  I explained how he burst on the Canadian music scene a couple of years ago with a video he and his sister shot in Winnipeg for a musical arrangement he composed for the song "Little Drummer Boy."  The film was made in one day and submitted to one of his high school teachers - it went viral on YouTube.  When you realize that he did the arrangement, the vocals and played all of the instrumental tracks himself, it is a pretty impressive story.  Certainly, it gives us something to think about as we venture into the production of our own short films.  Students were asked to respond to what they saw and what we discussed.  Please find their comments below.

Sean Quigley's "Little Drummer Boy"

Making Sean Quigley's "Little Drummer Boy"

Sean Quigley's "Our Generation"


  1. I think that was so awesome about the drumming in the snow.

  2. I think that Sean Quigley is very talented for his age. I think it is very awesome how he filmed the drummer boy video in one day with the help of his sister.

  3. I think the "Our Generation" video was well filmed.

  4. In the drummer boy video the guy was not 15 he looked 18. The video inspired me to make sure that our academy awards videos will be just as good. I will also make sure that we have good angles to the shots.

  5. I think it was amazing that he made the video in one day. He sent a very good message. But I think he shouldn't of covered his drums in snow.

  6. i think that the 1st movie was cool because they only filmed it in a day and edited in a night. the 3rd video was cool and inspiring about the worlds generation. i also think that it was good because his sister also filmed him drumming and with the children.

  7. I think that the video was really cool. I also think that it is amazing that he could film that whole video in one day.

  8. He looks like he 18 not 15.

  9. I was impressed that he could make that in 1 day by himself, with a little help from his sister, the little drummer boy video. I was also amazed at how he could wear shorts in winter while in Winnipeg. The videos were good though.

  10. I think that the "Our Generation" video was good. I think that he will have a great career with his singing, he is really good at editing his videos.

  11. I think it was amazing that Sean Quigley was 15 and he could make a music video with only him and his sister in one day. but it wasn't very smart of him to cover his drums in snow because that would ruin the drum kit.

  12. I was really impressed with the video all in one day to. I think that he's also crazy to be wearing shorts in the middle of the winter he could catch a cold or get frost bite. how irresponsible for a fifteen year old any way i liked the video.

  13. i think that it was amazing for somebody to do somthing like that in just one day i thought that the drumer boy one was cheesy but the mesege in the other one was good

  14. These videos were very inspiring to me. His musicality is amazing, as well as his drive to be the change and inspire others of his generation to be the change also.

    Drumming in the snow is just cool!

  15. I think that the "Our Generation" video was well shot. It's beat is catchy so you want to listen until the end, and then you realize what the message is. About the first video, I think that it's good to see the fun in the making of the video. I thought that both clips are very well edited and professional.

  16. I thought the video was amazing. It really cool that a 15-16 year old could make a video like that in one day and i think it was vary inspiring.
    I thought it was interesting how he made it with the snow on his drums and that his sister filmed it all.

  17. I liked that video because it was very interesting. I can’t believe he made that video in one day. I also liked the message that he was trying to give everyone that watched that video.

  18. I found his first video more interesting than his second one, but thats not to say that his second one wasn't interesting! Why he had facial hair at age 15, I really don't know. Oh, the worlds mysteries...
    No, but really, he has skills.

  19. The video really made me think and I am amazed at his talent for his age. The drummer boy video was really cool and I was shocked that he did it in one day. I especially liked that he made it with only the help of his family.

  20. I thought it was pretty cool that he could make that whole video in 24 hours and that it only took three people to make it. I also was amazed that at how good he was at the drums. It was interesting for me to see how he and his sister filmed it.

  21. I thought that both music videos were really well filmed and edited. I think that it's cool that he had a dream and followed it. Also there is no way he is only 15!!!

  22. Wow! I always think that because Canada has a such a small population, nothing important or amazing happens in Canada and that I will never be proud of anything because I don't live in an innovative country like Japan. What a stereotype! Sean Quigley is only fifteen (so you say), but he and his sister can make a very good video in just a day. He has inspired me to try harder even when I'm not confident enough to try.

  23. i think it was really cool how that teen ager made that video in one day and how he said be the change u wont to see and latter he says talk is cheep and it is cool how he is really doing something.

  24. I think the video we saw was a very powerful movie. He said ''be the change you what to see'' i think that was cool to put in a song. The video really made me think.

  25. In class, we watched a video off of YouTube. The video was called “Our Generation it had a really spoke to me, there was a strong message was that said we can make a differsnce.

  26. Thanks for your comments, class. It seems like the short production time line of the first video really struck you as being special. I would agree. I noticed that the "making of..." video showed some scenes where Sean was directing his sister how to frame certain shots. It also showed and how he directed her to pull the focus in or out depending on the effect he desired (I wonder if he had a shot list like Joanna described?). If you didn't notice that you might wish to go back and see what I'm talking about. When I was in high school, my photography teacher told us to avoid "mom and pop" photos where the subject was centred in the middle of the frame - I don't think I'll ever forget his words (I still employ his lessons in the composition of my PowerPoint slides, 35 years later.
