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We started the day with a double block of band. Remember to bring your instrument tomorrow and please don't forget to try to wear black and white attire.
After recess we read and then did math. The 7s synthesized the learning they've done over the last two lessons and ordered fraction with unlike denominators.
Please complete #1-4 in the problem set.
At lunch the grade 7s took on the the staff in a game of indoor soccer. Everyone had a blast and there was lots of good sportsmanship displayed, although the staff did seem to be taking the game pretty seriously.
We started the afternoon with a spelling test and then reviewed the blog comments assigned for the TED Talks yesterday: five students are yet to post. Next we practiced our concert performance. We ended the day with a short discussion about how should end the year. It was decided that we would have a secret Santa gift exchange (I'd like to keep it small: $2-$5), a pot-luch snacks/drinks table, and a Christmas film (title to be decided). This is all voluntary of course; any student who wishes to abstain may. Please remember, no peanuts and no pop.
Remember the concert will begin promptly at 1 p.m.
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