Thursday, December 20, 2012

Thursday, 20 December

We started the day by doing the Grade 4-7 survey that all students is the school are being asked to do.  The Staff Committee is interested in gaining information from the school community in order to reflect on the past and plan for the future.  Anyone who was absent today can complete the survey at home, but please let me know if you do it because I'm trying to keep track so we ensure we get as many complete as possible.

Here is the link to the school web page:  Roberts Creek School Web Page

Today we did the Grade 4-7 survey / tomorrow we'll do the second,
general survey

As students completed the survey, they stayed with their computers and did a bit of creative writing until it was time for band.  Mr. Grice asked me to post this practice sheet so that everyone can continue to practice over the break.

After recess we read and then did math.  I gave the instruction for Lesson 3.3 ( p.97).  Please complete the problem set from yesterday's work for homework.

After lunch Kiah led us in a meeting to choose a film for tomorrow - thanks, Kiah.  We then studied the Middle Kingdom of Egypt in socials.  We used the podcast to give us the facts, and I created a PowerPoint for imagery and as the basis for key points.  The students were able to come up with some strong observations about the pros and cons of centralized power vs. decentralized power.  We also got introduced to the stability vs. instability and discussed what kinds of political, economic, and regional elements would be associated/cause each.  It was interesting for me to learn about humanitarianism from the king to deal with famine.  The students came up with some very convincing reasons why a king would want to treat the people he conquered with kindness.  Well done!  Here's the link:

We ended the day with a game of dodge ball.  Thanks, Oliver, for organizing what was a quick-paced and fun game.

Tomorrow's agenda:

1. desk clean-up
2. art with Joanna
3. recess
4. on-line school survey
5. math (Mr. Brown's 6s have a test on decimals)
6. lunch
7. holiday celebration (remember your secret Santa gift if you're participating; remember your snack/treat to share; Landseer - remember the film "Ice Age - Continental Drift")

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Wednesday, 19 December

Wow - sorry for the late post.  After school the other teachers and I took Mr. Richey out for a late lunch and then I had to zip home to make a quick dinner and then if was off to the West Sechelt concert with my daughter, Sarah.

Today went well.  Thank you everyone for all of your work over the past two weeks to get ready for today's concert.  You can be proud of the fact that you planned, organized, choreographed, designed and led your own performance.  You didn't even need me to lead you while you were on stage.  I know your families enjoyed watching you.  Thanks also for all of your help in getting the gym ready.  I saw lots of cooperation and lots of initiative and again, there wasn't a need for adults to be doing much directing or correcting.

We only had time for a bit of math: 7s were asked to finish the problem set for lesson 3.2.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Tuesday, 18 December

Page 1

Page 2
Page 3

Page 4
Page 5
We started the day with a double block of band.  Remember to bring your instrument tomorrow and please don't forget to try to wear black and white attire.

After recess we read and then did math.  The 7s synthesized the learning they've done over the last two lessons and ordered fraction with unlike denominators.  Please complete #1-4 in the problem set.

At lunch the grade 7s took on the the staff in a game of indoor soccer.  Everyone had a blast and there was lots of good sportsmanship displayed, although the staff did seem to be taking the game pretty seriously.

We started the afternoon with a spelling test and then reviewed the blog comments assigned for the TED Talks yesterday: five students are yet to post.  Next we practiced our concert performance.  We ended the day with a short discussion about how should end the year.  It was decided that we would have a secret Santa gift exchange (I'd like to keep it small: $2-$5), a pot-luch snacks/drinks table, and a Christmas film (title to be decided).  This is all voluntary of course; any student who wishes to abstain may.  Please remember, no peanuts and no pop.

Remember the concert will begin promptly at 1 p.m.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Monday, December 17

Goldney's Advent calendar

First, here's another calendar.  Goldney actually e-mailed hers first, but I forgot to post it last week when I posted the ones I photographed in class - sorry, Goldney.

Today we began with an exercise saying numbers in French, but doing them backwards (to counteract mere rote memorization).  That only lasted for a short while and then we met with the other classes to sing Christmas carols in the hallway.  A few students didn't want to sing, so they worked quietly in the class with me.  When we returned from singing, we continued with French numbers 0-100.  We started with skip-counting by tens, then learned how to say 21, 31, 41 etc.  We were then able to fill in the blanks.  The class members are quite good at their oral work in French - I always see lots of good participation.

After recess we went up to the gym to listen to the Elphinstone grade 8 band.  Most students were able to sit and listen respectfully, thanks.  Afterwords we returned to class to do math.  Mr. Brown's 6s stayed with us as we looked at comparing common fractions (ex. 3/4) with decimal fractions (ex. 0.75) and even percentages (ex. 67%).  We looked at how we can change the shape of a fraction (for example by multiplying by 1) in order to make comparison easier.  There is no math homework.

We returned from lunch and read for 20 minutes and then I we used a TED Talk to discuss advances in technology (science) and to discuss how our body language can not only affect others but can also affect our minds!  This is especially important for girls who commonly display defensive postures and take a back seat to boys during discussions.  We now all know a strategy to deal with test anxiety - cool.

Pranav Mistry: The SixthSense - merging the digital world with the physical world

Amy Cuddy: The effect of body language on how we think

Please remember your homework is to post a comment to today's blog and comment on ONE of the TED Talks we discussed.

We ended the day working independently to either finish our Christmas concert art or complete our push-ups for the fitness test.

Don't forget to dress up in your sports attire for tomorrow's Mr. Richey celebration.  
ALSO, if you're playing soccer at lunch, remember your runners.

Finally, here is a message I received from Thane - hi Thane:

Hi Everyone!

I finished my first week of school up at the ski hill. The highlight of my week at school was an awesome snowshoeing trip we went on Thursday afternoon. The highlight of my week on the hill was skiing on Friday in fresh powder after it snowed all night here.

When we arrived, the snow base was 76cm. It's 142cm now, just over one week later. The forecast is calling for another 15-20cm tonight. I won't get to enjoy it tomorrow because our school days are longer and the lifts will be closed when school gets out. There is no night skiing on Sunday or Monday, but I'll get out there Tuesday after school. 

I am the only Grade 7 student at Big White School. There are 13 kids in my class including me. Grade 4's to Grade 9's. We have longer days, but we only go to school Monday to Thursday. The school has 2 classrooms and a computer lab. The basement is a huge gym. 

Next time I e-mail I will try to send pictures. See you soon.


Friday, December 14, 2012

Friday, 14 December

We started the day discussing some of the basic equipment needs for a snowshoe trip to the Tet.  We also practiced our knot work.  Knots are a good way to develop cooperation and communication skills.  They also require practice and precision: it either is or is not a knot - there is no half-correct in knot work.  We learned how to tie a bowline around an object.  We closed the lesson with a competition to see how fast the whole class could complete their knots; after three tries it took 2:30 minutes (the first time we tried it took 5:00 minutes).  Remember the Grogs Knots website: Grogs Animated Knots: the bowline

After recess we had a short whole-class discussion about a game called "2:45."  It is seen as disruptive to school harmony and the staff have told students that it must stop.  I'm satisfied that the students in Division Two will cooperate on this point.  At 11:00, the grade 6s went to math, the 7s carried on their discussion for a while and then transitioned to math where I reviewed some grade 6 fractions work.  There is no math homework for the 7s.

Following lunch, we met with our buddies in Ms. L's class.  We had a men's club meeting in our class while those of the opposite gender had a women's club meeting in Ms. L's room.  Some read, some played a thinking game, some creatively recycled greeting cards to make small boxes while others created pages for comic books.  Our room had a wonderful vibe and the big buddies showed kind and caring leadership.

We ended the day working on our Christmas concert presentation.  While we were working some students helped Mr. Clements run a primary class through a computer activity, others did their push-up test with me.  Thanks everyone, for a great day!  Have an enjoyable weekend.

Arif asked for a photo of the model ship so he could complete his art assignments: here you go Arif.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Thursday, 13 December

Today was started with another double band block to prepare for Wednesday's concert.  NOTE: band will be switched from Monday to Tuesday next week (Mr. Grice will be at another concert event on Monday).  It is clear that some students are practicing and others are not.  Please encourage your students to practice all of the tunes, not just the ones with which they feel familiar.

After recess we practiced the last column of our spelling test and then split up for math.  The 7s worked on their decimals practice set on pp. 88-90.  Please complete the set up to #13 for homework. Four students chose to do the integers unit test re-write at lunch; all improved their mark!  Good work; I'm glad you care enough to put in the extra time.

Following lunch, we completed some personal reading and then transitioned to socials to finish our second podcast in the series of six talks.  The students really seem to enjoy the process.  This time I added some scribes to the side of the whiteboard that had the PowerPoint slides showing while the podcast was playing.  Again, the students were engaged in the discussion; in fact, we could talk all day if I'd let them.  Some have approached me to say that they have been thinking of an inquiry question about the Egyptians that they'd like to pursue.  That's exciting for me.  We ended the day with more p.e. testing.  Again today, everyone's behaviour was very good.  Some had a bit of difficulty staying quiet after they completed their individual test, but I recognize that it is simulating and people want to discuss their results.  I only ask that we all stay quiet so that everyone has a chance to focus on the cadence in order to do as well as they can.

Tomorrow morning is the last chance to drop off donations to our Elves' Club hamper. 

Enjoy the rest of your day.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Wednesday, 12 December

 Math lesson notes:

Kira's Advent calendar
Hannah's Advent calendar
Braedon's Advent calendar
Mia's Advent calendar

Noah's Advent calendar

We began with a planning meeting to organize our Christmas concert presentation; Kiah acted as facilitator.  If you were away, see her to find out what is your assignment.  Next, we worked to finish our outstanding art assignments.  I was pleased with the general focus in class; few students had to be redirected to their work.

After recess we read for 15 minutes and then did math.  The 7s had a very productive lesson on decimal fractions and were reintroduced to the notion of terminating and repeating decimal fractions.  I was impressed with the improved tone of the class today.  Everyone was engaged and responded to questions/shared ideas in a respectful and courteous manner.  We used the document camera instead of the interactive board.  The advantages were (1) it was new and thus engaging because it wasn't the same old thing; and, (2) I was facing the class for the whole lesson.  Please complete pp. 86-87 #1-6 for homework.  We'll have the retest tomorrow at lunch.

After lunch we read for 15 minutes and then had what I thought was an engaging socials lesson.  I was most pleased with the way the students worked/listened/discussed during this lesson.  I introduced the idea of "genuine inquiry," something I am personally doing in my teaching practice around the question of how can video scribing improve student learning.  As far as Egypt is concerned, I wonder which of the many theories about how the Egyptians got those stone blocks on top of those pyramids is the most plausible. I felt that today's lesson was comparable with any secondary-level lesson I've taught and the class responded marvelously. There is no socials homework: have you finished yesterday's science assignment (see yesterday's blog post).

We ended the day with p.e. and there were some definite improvements today.  The transition time to p.e. was somewhat better but the class moved up to the gym almost silently.  The students at the head of the line, chose very appropriately to wait at the door while the kindergarten students finished their class period.  Wow: the choice to wait quietly outside was a display of real leadership and made me proud to be your teacher.  I hope you all learned that there can be no time-wasting or talking during the testing.  Only six in the group got it together in a reasonable time, and the others sat on the bench and watched.  After those six were done, the next round started much faster and more orderly.  I am hopeful that tomorrow will be even better.  Thanks for being such a wonderful group today.

This Tuesday is Sports Dress-up Day: In celebration of Mr. Richey's retirement, we are all going to wear sports uniforms/outfits/jerseys (please leave the skates at home).  
On Tuesday at lunch we will also be having a fun soccer game between staff and grade seven students.

We have had a wonderful response to the Elves' Club hamper in our classroom.  THANK YOU for your generosity.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Tuesday, 11 December

Today we began with an intermediate grades meeting with Mr. Brown in order to organize some celebration activities as we prepare for Mr. Richey's retirement that begins next Wednesday after the Christmas concert.  After that we had a talking circle to discuss the events that occurred yesterday afternoon.  Next we went to the library for a book talk with Ms. Taggart.

After recess we read for 15 minutes and then did math.  The 7s reviewed their integers unit test.  Retests  can be done at lunch tomorrow.

We started the afternoon with 15 minutes of reading and then did some more work with ropes and knots.  We also discussed some of the components involved in outdoor expeditions.  I talked about risk management and how we have a "challenge by choice" approach to these sorts of activities.  We ended the day with a science lesson.

If an organism fits omnivorous, just
put it in two boxes (ex. bear)
Here are the screen shots of the science text and the homework questions.  Please put the answers to the three questions (found at the TOP of page 39) on the back of your food web classification sheet.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Monday, 10 December

Today we began the day with a double block of band with Division One.  It is clear that some players are practicing and giving band an honest effort, but others are just going through the motions.  Many instruments are being left at school and are not being practiced.  Some instruments are going home, but are forgotten on class day.  Parents, please do what you can to encourage your students to practice before the big day.  Also, keep an eye out for those black and white outfits for concert day.

After recess we had fifteen minutes of silent reading and then we did math.  The 7s had an integers test.  While we were waiting for students to finish their test, I allowed others to work on any outstanding assignments.  We ended the block with a review of place values as we get ready to examine decimal fractions and common fractions in the next unit.  There is no math homework.

We listened to Episode 9: Egypt
After lunch we investigated ways to use a podcast.  If you don't know, podcasts are simply audio files, sometimes of essays, sometimes of discussions or interviews, sometimes the audio portion of a video presentation.  In essence, it's like listening to the radio on the Internet.  It is possible to download podcasts and listen to them whenever, where ever.  We listened to one that introduced ancient Egypt.  I showed the students how to use Google to search for images and other content while listening.  I also showed how a list of content can be previewed and then uploaded for review while the podcast is playing.  I used PowerPoint to store my images.  This is all part of social studies skill building, but it also supports the listening elements of the English curriculum.  Here is a link to the blog of the speaker in today's podcast (I downloaded the episodes on my iPad last night and I found the speaker easy to listen to and not monotone or boring):

Podcast History of Our World

After socials we had cookies that Sam made for us and then we tried to go to p.e.  Things didn't go very satisfactorily, and we ended up writing self-reflection paragraphs.  Here is the link to the one I wrote:

Mr. Marshall's self-reflection on Google Docs

Students who didn't turn in their paragraph before they left at 2:45 will need to finish at home.  PLEASE REMEMBER THAT YOUR COMPLETED PARAGRAPH IS YOUR TICKET IN TO CLASS TOMORROW MORNING.  Anyone who isn't able to finish at home will have an opportunity to do so first thing tomorrow in the library with Mr. Clements.

Only 2 days left for our Elves' Club Hamper - thanks to everyone who has been able to give so far.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Friday, 7 December

Yesterday was the 95th anniversary of the Halifax Explosion (First World War), and today is the 71st anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor (Second World War).  It seems many of the anniversaries we remember are of bad or sad events.  Or, perhaps it's just the history teacher in me coming out.  Anyway, today we were light on the ground with over ten students away partly because of the boys' volleyball tournament that took players away at 11:00.

We started our day being introduced to a new idea in writing: in media res is a term that means "in the moment."  We wrote descriptive/narrative paragraphs that starting in the middle of action, rather than with an exposition detailing setting and introducing characters.  We used spun the world in Google Earth to pick a bird's eye view for our setting.  It happened to include a dormant/extinct volcano in El Salvador, and that played a role in many of the students' writing.  Everyone was focused and the writing they created was engaging.  It was a great example of the "writers' workshop" atmosphere that is so nice in which to work.

DigitWhiz helps with math concepts
including integers
After recess we had math.  The Math 7 students worked on an individual schedule that had some playing with integers on an iPad app called DigitWhiz, while others worked to finish their pre-test, while other who were finished returned top their writing.  It was a productive but relaxed class.  We will have our integers test on Monday - please practice.

At lunch we had a planning meeting in our student-led organizing committees.  Things went well.  Thanks to the parents for facilitating this worthy venture. We are trying to built skills in the students rather than just focusing on the raising of funds.

After lunch we did buddy reading with Ms. L's class.  Afterwords, we worked on our art so that the students who were away wouldn't miss any new discussions in Socials or science.  The students have the hard white paper and complementary colours to make their Advent/pocket calendars and these may be completed at home over the weekend.  Please e-mail me a photo of your calendar once it is done, or I can photograph it here at school, or you can bring it it.  We also have to complete two other pieces: our in-class 'year in review' piece and our out-of-class "tree" piece.  Both these will will also be hung up so Joanna can discuss them with us.  

We have 20 items in our Elves' Club hamper - please try to remember to bring in donations if you are able.  The hampers will be collected early next week, so we don't have much time left.

We'll have a double band block Monday morning - please remember your instruments.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Thursday, 6 December

Please start looking for black and white
attire to wear for the Dec 19th concert
Today the students did a double block of band before recess.  Mr. Grice is working with both classes together to get the band ready for the Dec 19th concert.  On Monday they will have another double block of band.  Please practice your songs - it was clear when I listened today that many students have been practicing, but it was also clear that some have not.  Don't let down the team.

After recess we had a planning meeting for the class Christmas concert act.  We also discussed how to facilitate and how to be a member of a meeting.  Everyone did an excellent job fulfilling his or her role and as a result we stuck to the agenda, everyone had a chance to be heard and achieved the result we were after.  Parents will have to wait until the 19th to discover what we decided to do.  Next we had a shortened math block.  The Math 7 students started a unit pre-test and some found they weren't as fluent at using algebra tiles as they thought they were.  We'll finish the pre-test tomorrow and with luck, have the "real" test on Monday.  There is no homework except to prepare for the test.

After lunch we had a meeting with Mr. Clements and he explained the new lunch-time regime that will begin on Monday.  The intermediate students (grades 4-7) will be permitted to have the whole lunch break to themselves.  That means they will be able to eat inside the classroom or outside, and they will be permitted to stay in class or go outside as they desire.  There will no longer be inside days and outside days.  This will be nice for the students who wish to finish their homework in class rather than being forced to stand outside for 20 minutes.  Mr. Clements did stress that it is still important for kids to get outside during the day to get some fresh air.  Students must have a note to leave the school grounds and they must sign in and out through the office.  This new regime will be reviewed over the next two weeks to see if it is favourable and should continue in the new year. 
Island Santa by Sheryl McFarlane

Next we had ten-minutes of cursive writing practice.  We've practiced a-t and are almost ready to begin paragraph practice.  Following writing, Ms. Eleanor Swan came in for her annual Christmas fiction sharing and introduced the class to some pleasant stories.  The class was engaged - who doesn't love a good story?  We ended the day by watching the push-up instructional video and then had some time to practice our technique.  We'll do the push-up and curl-up test next week.

If you are able, please bring in a non-perishable food donation, or an unwrapped gift for the Elves' Club hamper.  Our goal is to be over 30 items for tomorrow's check by the helper elf.

Students who had "I"s on their report cards: Tomorrow is the deadline for missing work.  The following students have one or more missing test or assignment:

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Wednesday, 5 December

Today I introduced a new element to class - knot tying.  As I start to examine how I might incorporate outdoor education to the p.e. program and how that might lead to a backcountry trip, perhaps to Bachelor Lake Cabin in Tetrahedron Provincial Park, I'm going to start to get the class thinking more about careful listening to directions, and following directions with precision.  I also want them to get used to working with equipment in a mature and professional way.  Today we learned some rope terminology: standing end, working/running end, bight, bird's nest, rat's nest, dressing a knot, and setting a knot.  We learned how to tie a figure-eight.  Some students were able to tie is with their eyes closed.  Others could tie it behind their backs.  I will slowly add more knots so that when and if we go on a small expedition, students will have some basic backcountry skills.  A good resource for knot tying is a website called Grog's Knots.  The "scouting knots" index would be a good place to begin:

Animated Knots by Grog (TM)

Next, we did art with Joanna.  We examined perspective and afrom the furniture industry to see how black and white can be used as complimentary colours.  We created so word/sketch combinations in response to questions Joanna asked that related to our experiences in 2012, and then we used that imagery to complete a piece that had a perspective that disappeared on a horizon line. That piece will be completed in class.  The next action item to be competed is an calendar (may be like an Advent calendar) that includes pockets and utilizes complementary colours (example: red/green)

After recess we read for ten-minutes and then did math.  The 7s continued to work on the integers review and most are ready to do the unit pre-test.

In the afternoon we did socials.  We did a jig-saw activity where pairs of students did a section of the reading on pages  91-93, and then did scribed notes.  These are notes that involve pictures as well as words.  They take practice to do well and they involve a lot of thinking as one is requires to make symbolic representations of what are often complex ideas.  How, for example, would one draw the following idea: "The Egyptians relied on the Nile for security"?  We'll share our scribes next class.

We ended the day with p.e. and again, I was dissatisfied with the behavior of many of the students.  Next class I will chose the groups because I am not prepared to endure another class like that; we achieved very little in terms of practice for the fitness test.  If your goal is to be taken into the backcountry you will need to be able to follow instructions, even at the end of the day.

Remember that tomorrow is band and Mr. Grice had two new songs that he wanted you to practice.

There is a grade 7 parents fund-raising planning meeting in the library tonight at 6:30 p.m.  All are welcome to attend.

 Parents of students who had "I"s on their report cards: Friday is the deadline for missing work.  The following students have one or more missing test or assignment: