Friday, September 28, 2012

Friday, 28 Sept

Today began with some penmanship review, specifically the printed letter a,o and c.  We'll do more of this next week and then move on to cursive writing later.  From there I returned the grammar tests done yesterday.  There was a great improvement over the first test - many people doubled their scores.  We will now use our knowledge of parts of speech to help us understand some key grammar rules and this should help us understand how to improve our writing.  After being introduced to the word "syntax" (and hearing some funny examples to understand what it means) we learned our first new rule: subject-verb agreement.  This one can be tricky to get correct in complex sentences. (Thanks, Kassandra, for sending the pic - hopefully we'll have the technology moved soon so we can always upload interactive pages to the blog).

After recess we did math.  The 6s did some practice questions from their last lesson on the Cartesian plane and reading coordinates.  They should try to finish the practice set on pp. 26-28 (#1-10) for homework.  The 7s had a lesson on creating relations (expressions) using variables.  We noted the meaning of n, 2n, n/2, n+2 and n-2.  Both groups also did a session of Xtramath.  Please remember to try a session on Saturday and Sunday.  The 7s have no math homework.

After lunch we did reading with our little buddies.  Next we decided that the novel Crash should be completed by everyone no later than Thanksgiving Monday.  All should be prepared for a whole-book discussion on Tuesday, October 9.  We also discussed some of the differences between two of the main characters, Crash and Penn.  We noted that the traits/comments we highlighted in green went a bit deeper into who each character really is.

Afterwards, we ended the day with a crazy game of tag that Mr. Richey taught me.  Everyone was it at once and there was freeing, and constant re-tagging.  Shouts out to Kira and Mia who I've dubbed the "evil step sisters" because they made sure I was tagged pretty much the whole game - thanks girls.  Thanks also to the many compassionate students who took pity on me and freed me.

(p.s. I talked with Ms. McBain, and it turns out I'm not allowed to give you "A"s in P.E. in spite of my promise to do so).

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Thursday, 27 September

Thank you to all those who took time out to visit the class last night for the "meet the creature" parent meeting.  Please remember that I welcome contact with the students' homes, so don't feel shy to e-mail me or visit me if you'd like to chat or if you have a more serious concern.  I generally don't need lots of advance notice to meet and welcome your inquiries.

Today we began with the retest for the parts of speech unit and then we rushed off to band.  Some students are getting frustrated because the class has not yet begun to play their instruments.  Students, please ensure you all remember to bring your instruments AND your folders to the next class on Monday.

After recess we did the Terry Fox Run.  It became apparent that I should have delayed the retest because we were a bit rushed/uncoordinated as we worked to get the event rolling. I take full responsibility and would like to thank all those who worked hard to make the event a success.  A big shout out to Kelly Backs and his small crew of parent volunteers who facilitated the hot dog sale - it was a big success.  The fundraising committee suggests that we may have beaten our $500 fundraising goal for the Terry Fox Foundation - all profits from the snack bar go to cancer research.

After lunch we did an outside clean up and then had a talking circle to address some pressing classroom issues.  I thought some people were very strong to share how they were feeling and although everyone wasn't able to listen respectfully all of the time, everyone was able to do so most of the time.

Tomorrow is the last day to bring in the money for the Class of 2013 hoodie order.  The following students need to bring in their forms and their cheques: Kiah, Saleah, Bowen and Avery.

Please keep reading your novels - 10 pages a day is a good target.

Next Tuesday, Joanna Enga will begin our drawing instruction in Art, from 12:45 - 1:45.  Please thank her if you see her, because now the students will have a chance at developing some real skill.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Wednesday, 26 September

We started the day with a "practice" re-test of the grammar (parts of speech) test we did last week.  We we reviewed the answers we broke down the sentences in Part 2 for extra practice - we won't do that on the real test. Tomorrow we will have the real test so please study.

After recess we completed the math assessments.  Three students have more work to do so we'll arrange a quiet space for them to work next class.

After lunch we completed our rubrics activity using paper airplanes to understand how this for of assessment works.

We ended the day with a short session of "camouflage" behind the school.

I was unsatisfied with the number of times I had to wait for the class's attention while some chose to hold side conversations.  I'd like to have a talking circle tomorrow after lunch to address this issue.

Thank you to the many parents who were able to come to the school tonight.  If anyone who was unable to come would like to meet me, or would like to discuss his or her child's year, please feel free to arrange to see me at a time that is more convenient.  My e-mail address is at the top of the blog.

Terry Fox Run tomorrow 10:45-12:00 - bring your runners and a toonie.  Parents are most welcome (but be careful, we may ask you to assist by being on the route as a guide/helper/supervisor.  Here is the route:

As always - try to read a few pages from the novel.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Tuesday, 25 September

Today we began with a writing activity designed to re-enforce the concepts we've be developing about the parts of a sentence.  Students built sentences given details in a table, and then extended their thinking buy adding further examples to the table.  They concluded by building sentences for the details they added.

After recess we did a math assessment so I could get a better idea of where students are in terms of their mastery of last year's curriculum.  This exercise is diagnostic and does not count towards their term math grade.  There was no time limit and some students will finish tomorrow.

After lunch I introduced the class to the idea of using special tables (called rubrics) for the assessment of their work.  Together, we built a rubric that could be used to judge the construction of paper airplanes.  First, we decided what categories we should use to judge our planes and then we filled in the criteria for the different performance levels of each category. Tomorrow, we will build the planes and use the rubric to assess them.  It should be fun.

We closed the day with an hour of work to prepare for Thursday's Terry Fox Run.  Students are being asked to donate a "toonie for Terry," if possible.  There will also be hot dogs/veggie dogs on sale after the run.  They will be $1.50.  The prices of drinks, et cetra will be announced tomorrow.  All students should bring runners tomorrow and Thursday.

The only homework is to ensure everyone has read the novel Crash up to page 48.  

Please remember tomorrow's meeting at 6 p.m.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Friday, Sept 21

Today we began by reviewing our grammar test and then I gave some sheets for extra practice in separating sentences into their subjects and predicates and then identifying their parts of speech.  We also watched the Steve Nash documentary on Terry Fox and we each copied ten facts, quotations or reflections from the film.  After lunch we worked with our little buddies in reading and a scavenger hunt.  Next I modeled writing a socials paragraph and then we wrote our own "first sample paragraph" using the points we copied from the film.

I issued a notice inviting parents and guardians to a classroom information session to occur Wednesday at 6 p.m.

There is no homework EXCEPT please read up to page 48 in your novel.  Remember Monday is a pro-d day: enjoy your long weekend.

Link to the video we watched:

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Thursday, 20 Sept

First, I'm sorry for yesterday's late post.

Today we began by welcoming the riders from the Cops for Cancer tour, and spent the rest of the day looking at the blinking LED lights that they gave the students.  Thanks to those members of Division 2 who gave up their extra lights so that younger students who had missing of broken toys could go home happy.

We did our first grammar test so I could determine how strong the class's mastery of the parts of speech is.  We still have some work to do; students shouldn't worry if they felt their performance was weak; we will be doing another test and re-tests are always an option.

We did a math lesson on variables and then the grades did level-appropriate work: Grade 7: pp. 18-19; and Grade 6: pp. 22-23.  There is no homework.

After lunch we did a Terry Fox Run planning session with Division 1 and then some more math.  We ended the day with some P.E.

Tomorrow at lunch the parents facilitating the grade 7 hoodie orders will offer the last chance for students to be sized.  On Tuesday at lunch, the 7s will add their signatures to the class logo and FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28TH IS THE LAST DAY TO GET MONEY IN TO SECURE YOUR ORDER.

Finally, Mr. Pond and I would like to extend an invitation to meet with us next Wednesday evening for about an hour.  Here is a preview of the notice I'll be sending home tomorrow:

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Wed., 19 September

Today we started with a talking circle and I was glad to report that Braeden's skateboard had been located.  Next we did a grammar exercise to practice editing run-on sentences (including a group review of the answers).  After recess we did a mini-lesson and a second worksheet: a math exercise on order of operations.  After lunch we finished the math work sheet.  Anyone who didn't finish should complete down to the "try this" section.  Our last task was to start work on the "so-what" paragraph writing for socials.  Thanks, Kassandra, for the smart phone pic.

I was very pleased with everyone's effort today.  We ended the day with some intense elimination tag to get the heart rates up.

Tomorrow in P.E. we will be running in preparation for the Terry Fox Run so please bring running shoes for the next few days.  We'll also be doing some more Run planning/prep work with Division 1.

I'd like to offer to have a one hour parents' information meeting for anyone interested next Wednesday, (September 26).  Because I'm new to Roberts Creek, I'd like to share my philosophical approaches to classroom teaching including a discussion about technology,  communication, and assessment.  I'd also like to create a parents' e-mail contact list and start a discussion to see if parents would like to volunteer to raise funds for potential special events/projects.  I think a 6 p.m. meeting time would be best to allow folks to get home from work and make their way to the school.  I hope to see you all but would ask that you arrange to meet privately at a different time if you'd like to have a more personal discussion about your child's year.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Tuesday, 18 Sept.

Today we began by doing a group practice of identifying parts of speech in sample sentences.  Then I gave some new instruction about run-on sentences.  Afterwords I issued a worksheet and students had an opportunity to test their knowledge identifying p.o.s. on their own.  The most common sticking points came around adverbs and prepositions.  All-in-all, I thought people coped well and I was pleased with the effort the class gave.

After recess we did a group lesson aimed at introducing the concept of using variables (like n) to write generalized pattern rules to summarize what was happening in some tables of values we looked at.  However, before we could finish the lesson, we had to stop and review/introduce the concept of the "order of operations."  Tomorrow I'll have a work sheet to re-enforce the work we did with order of operations (multiplication/division before addition/subtraction) before we reattempt to understand variables.
Click the link to go to an interactive game if you think you already understand order of operations:

After lunch we had a Terry Fox Run planning session with both Div 1 and 2.  Tomorrow morning students will sign up for the planning/prep activity they are interested in.  The run will be next Thursday (Sept 27).  Afterwords we went outside to play a couple of games and we ended the day with an activity in the forest with our Grade 2 little buddies.  It was a bit unsettling to hear upon our return that there was a cougar sighting in the area.

For homework, students are asked to ensure they have read up to about page 30 in the novel Crash.
Tomorrow we will start the day with a talking circle to see if we can develop a way to help recover Braedon's skateboard that was taken from our hallway this morning.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Monday, 17 September

We came to school in warm sun again and the weather reports say we can expect the same all week.  Our day began with a friendly reminder to get the "walking" forms back with a parent's or guardian's signature; I re-issued forms to students who needed them.  Next we did our first parts of speech quiz together on the board.  I noted that students have the best chance at getting all of the words correct if they use the identification system that we've been practicing in class:

1. Separate the subject (the part that names) from the predicate (the part that tells more).
2. Identify the simple subject in the part that names (it will be a noun or pronoun).
3. Identify the simple predicate in the part that tells more (it will be a verb).
4. Identify any other nouns, pronouns or verbs in the sentence.
5. Look at each noun, pronoun and verb and ask if they have any modifiers.
6. Identify the connectors (conjunctions).
7. Identify the coordinators (prepositions).
8. Finally, check for interjections at the beginning of the sentence.

Warning: many words are used as more than one part of speech, so memorizing examples can be hazardous.  ex.  I like to run home. (verb)  I went for a run. (noun) There is no grammar homework.

After band we visited the library to borrow books and then did a group math lesson.  Both the 6 and 7 curriculum include work around recognizing symbolic (number) and concrete (shape) patterns.  We looked at the difference between what the text calls an "input/output machine" and a "table of values."  We then constructed some concrete patterns using different tables of values.  Finally, we created new patterns for previously given tables to show how those concrete patterns can vary even if the symbols (numbers) stay the same.

After lunch we had our first lesson for the novel Crash (that we started reading last week).  We began to examine the basic components of a novel: setting, character, plot and conflict.  We took "plot" apart, and introduced its parts (things such as exposition, inciting incident and rising action).  Next we made connections to Crash.  Afterwords, we went outside and read in the sun. It would be good if students read to the end of Chapter 5 (page 20) for homework.  

We ended the day by revisiting the four river civilizations worksheet in order to learn how to write a "what/so-what" summarizing paragraph.  We did two main points together and students should do a third for homework.  HINT: the questions on the worksheet act as good focus cues.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Friday, 14 September

We began today by putting together all we've learned about the parts of speech to identify words in some sample sentences.  Next week we'll move from strictly group work to some individual exercises.

Next we had a discussion about Terry Fox.  Afterwords, Meredith Thomsen, who is coordinating the community run, came and spoke to our class and Mr. Pond's class about Terry Fox.  She showed some brief video clips and then we split into two groups: some worked on posters with her for this weekend's community run, others met with Mr. Pond and me to begin organizing the school run scheduled for Thursday, September 27.

After lunch we had our first buddy-reading with the Grade 2-3 class.  I am new to this practice, but enjoyed watching the solid leadership that our class showed the younger students.  Next, we did some silent reading of our class novel - please ensure you read up to page 13 before Monday's class.  Afterwords, we did a review and recall exercise for yesterday's socials lesson.  If you were unable to complete that in class, please do so for homework (see yesterday's blog post to view the slides).  We ended the day with a short game of capture the flag.

Enjoy the weekend.  Good luck if you choose to participate in the Terry Fox Run.  Ten students still need to return the school "walking" permission slip.  Finally, don't forget we have band on Monday morning.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Terry Fox Activity

Please follow the link to the CBC Digital Archives for access to radio and video clips of Terry Fox.

Wednesday, 13 Sept

Today we began with a quick review of the parts of speech we've studied.  We also looked in some more detail about how the rules for the use of the principal and modifying p.o.s. can be applied to our writing.  We also watched the "Prepositions" and "Interjections" cartoons.  I gave in and let the class replay the "Conjunction Junction" cartoon as well - they get a kick out of singing it (just like my grade 12s did last year).

The class had their second band class where Mr. Grice re-enforced the need to take care of their instruments.  After recess we did math.  The 7s got instruction on p.12-13 and were asked to complete #1-10.  I reviewed #5 and #10 on the board.  The 6s got a review of the input-output machines and we reviewed p.9 #7 and #10.  Both groups also had time for some Xtramath.  The 6s have no additional math homework.

We ended the day with a full hour of social studies.  I introduced the class to approaches in geography and history and we discussed the type of high-order thinking needed to work with the subjects we will study this year.  I also introduced them to PowerPoint and strategies for interacting with a teacher-led discussion of a new topic using that technology.  We discussed the need for effective slide composition in order for the audience to avoid being over-burdened with text.  We also discussed timelines, reading BIG numbers, shifting from B.C. / A.D. to B.C.E. / C.E. (Before Common Era / Common Era) and then moved to address the content of the lesson: the role of geography in the four ancient river-valley civilizations of Asia and North Africa.  I was very impressed with the class's ability to engage in the discussions we had in a mature and thoughtful way.  They were certainly as fine today as any senior secondary class I've every taught - bravo!


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Wednesday, 12 Sept.

Today we started with a continuation of our examination of the eight parts of speech.  I hope parents are interested enough in the Schoolhouse Rock "Conjunction Junction" song to check it out on YouTube.   

We also had a discussion about our class community.  One topic that came up was the notion of different rights and privileges for grade 6 and 7 students.  Students also discussed the idea of possible fund raising activities for extra-curricular activities and trips.  They have many ideas and seem quite keen.  Thus, in the future, I hope it will be acceptable to ask for parent volunteers to help the students coordinate any fund raisers either group would like to tackle.

After recess we had our first split-instruction math class today.  Thus, we now have our first assignments to complete at home: Grade 6 = p. 8-10, #2-9 and Grade 7 = p.8 #1-8.  Sorry, there are no electronic notes to post.

In the last block of the day we had a fun soccer game with student referees.  In general, I was very satisfied with everyone's effort again today.  Thanks to everyone for their cooperation and flexibility as I navigate my way in my new class.


Here are some screen shots of the process for signing a comment posted to the blog

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Math 6/7

This afternoon we began with a quiet reading break and then worked to get through the bugs in our use of the XtraMath website.  Some students were more successful than others and we had our share of hardware issues (for example, laptops with charged batteries were suddenly shutting down).  This caused me some frustration, so I created a shortcut on each laptop to our class lists on the XtraMath site and then identified the four offending laptops and forwarded a memo to see about getting them serviced.  We also had a brief lesson on some key vocabulary terms in arithmetic and I reviewed the necessity for precision and accuracy in forming numerals when competing math exercises.  Tomorrow we'll try our first split instruction session.

There is no homework today, but students are always encouraged to practice their math facts. PLEASE REMEMBER THE BAND INSTRUMENT RENTAL SESSION TOMORROW AFTER SCHOOL, STARTING AT 4 P.M..


Today we began the day with a talking circle.  I believe it's important to allow everyone to have a voice.  Afterwords, we debriefed yesterday's activities and I read about courage and identified four ways to gain control: knowledge, experience, tools and help.  I hope we can remember these for the remainder of our time together.

After recess we had our first English lesson.  We used IVANCAPP  to identify the eight parts of speech and then classified them according to the role they play in a sentence.  Next, we watched the first Schoolhouse Rock grammar cartoon "Nouns."  Finally, we went to the library and Ms. Taggert discussed some books before we had a chance to select our own.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Monday, 10 Sept.

We began the day by creating name tags so Mr. Marshall doesn't have to say, "Hey, you."  Next, we had our first band class with Mr. Grice.  I erred in not sending home the notice alerting parents to the Wednesday, September 12 instrument rental night from 4:00-6:30 p.m.  Both grades 6 and 7 students will be talking band this year.

Next we participated in a series of experiential "games" all designed as metaphors for our lives as learners.  After the "spider web" we discussed how trust, communication, leadership and teamwork came to play.  After lunch, we did some more activities but their debrief will occur tomorrow morning.

We also introduced ourselves to XtraMath, an interactive non-profit website designed to help students gain mastery of their basic addition, subtraction, multiplication and division arithmetic facts.  Mr. Marshall sent most students home with a letter for parents/guardians explaining the introduction of this program; those who didn't get one will have one tomorrow.  We'll be doing some XtraMath in class, but most students would benefit from at least one ten-minute daily session at home when possible (we can try to do more at school if Internet access is not available at home).  The program is individualized so students will not do needless drills of facts they've already mastered.

Planners are now available for $7.00.  All students are asked to buy one. Tomorrow we'll have our first English and math lessons.

Check out the very short parents' and students' videos explaining the XtraMath concept.

Feel free to contact me by e-mail whenever you would like to have my ear - it's the best way to get a quick response: